Training Services & Programs

We offer several different training programs and services to fit your individual needs. Click each of the boxes below to read about all of the options. Any questions can be sent to

Training Options

Equipment Orientation & Form Checks

Complete an equipment orientation or have a trainer check your form at the Rec Center! All sessions are 1 hour with a certified Personal Trainer or trained Fitness Specialist.

Equipment Orientation: Learn how to use equipment based on your interest, how to structure a basic workout, and the programs and services we offer to support you

Form Check: For those that are looking for feedback on certain exercises and techniques. Sessions will be about 60-minutes with one of our Fitness Staff Members.

FREE for MTSU Students! All other member pricing listed below.

MyFit (Individualized Fitness Program)


MyFit is an individualized program that helps you work towards overall wellness by setting goals relating to your current health and wellness, fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle. Each client receives a 4-week calendar and exercise printout created specifically for you to get started or add to what you are already doing. Your first session is an intake to help you identify your needs, likes, time, and equipment access. We can design programs to be complete at the Rec Center or somewhere else. MyFit clients work with certified Personal Trainers or trainer Fitness Specialist.


  • Intake Session– this session is used to identify your goals, talk about resources and education to help you reach these goals, your likes/dislikes, and your time commitment for a fitness program. This session is skipped for renewals.
  • Renewal Session – this session is to see what updates you would like to make to your program. This can be modifications or additions to what you already have, or trying a completely new program. This session replaces the Intake for renewing clients.
  • Program Session – at this session, your Fitness Specialist will present you with your 4-week fitness program. They will walk you through the progressions and make sure you feel comfortable with the exercises provided. You will complete the program independently, however you can always reach out to your trainer with questions.
  • Follow-up Session – for those renewing, this session will be for you to discuss any changes you would