Dr. Jackie Gilbert
Welcome to My Page!
I’m Dr. Jackie Gilbert, Professor of Management at MTSU. I’m passionate about anti-bullying education, creating inclusion at work, and educating organizations and students about community within companies. The emphasis in my teaching and research is on how to achieve sustainable workplace transformation.

MTSU management professor, associate provost codesign online course on COVID-19, diversity, civility

Students take a stand against bullying at work, school, online.

MTSU students pitch civility proposals to Nissan.

Dr. Jackie Gilbert, professor of management, shown at center in red joined other workplace civility advocates at the June 2014 signing of the Healthy Workplace Act. Seated is Governor Bill Haslam, who signed the bill into law.

Dr. Jackie Gilbert introduces Dr. Gary Namie, Director of the Workplace Bullying Institute as part of the MTSU Distinguished Speaker series.

MTSU EXL program selects top students, faculty, administrator.

MTSU Management course stresses engaged, hands-on student learning.

Students present at Oakland High School on topics of mobbing, stalking, cyberbullying, corporate bullying, and bullying in the classroom

MTSU’s Gilbert Shares National Award for On-line Teaching Expertise

Kenya Terry makes a presentation in Jackie Gilbert’s Management 3610 EXL class.

MTSU students hone skills with civility project.

MTSU’s EXL Program recognizes three outstanding community partners

Take a stand/stop the bully the face of a new resistance.

Professor continues civility push through EXL business course.