University College
Summer Sessions at MTSU
Why take summer courses? Summer Sessions offers many benefits for students who take advantage of this opportunity. Students can advance toward their degree, catch up on degree requirements or take courses for personal and professional development. Set up an appointment with your advisor to see how you can make your summer count.
What about online courses? About 70% of summer courses are offered online for those who wish to earn college credit remotely this summer. Check out the full summer schedule in MT Pipeline. Priority registration is April 7th – 18th.
Is financial aid available in the summer term? Lottery & Pell grant funding is available to qualified students. Contact MT OneStop to determine eligibility.

Enter the Summer Sessions Challenges for your chance to win a portable charger, Sony headphones, or an iPad and Apple pencil. This contest is for current MTSU students only. Challenges will open on March 24th , each has a deadline. Enter one or all. For full contest info and to enter, see here: or scan the code to begin!

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Our offices are located at 503 E. Bell Street, off Greenland Drive, in Murfreesboro.
Main Number 615-494-7714
Beverlee Bohn, UC Receptionist, 615-494-7714
Andrea Medlin, UC Receptionist, 615-494-7714