Central Campus Policies

 All of MTSU's policies can be found on the policy website

Academic Appeals

If a student is suspended, they can complete an appeal form and turn it in by the designated deadline. The student can then choose to directly address the Appeals committee. The committee’s decision is always final. A student can be suspended for 1+ terms, or reinstated with certain conditions. The appeal form is found on the One Stop website

Academic Common Market

ACM is a tuition savings program that allows residents of participating states to qualify for in-state tuition when enrolled in a unique academic major not offered in their home state. 

Academic Probation & Suspension

When a student fails to meet one of the following standards during an academic term, they are placed on probation. To get back in good standing, they will need to raise their GPA before the next term. The hyperlinked text above provides more detailed information:

  • if 0 - 29.99 quality hours, needs a 1.50 cum. GPA
  • if 30 - 49.99 quality hours, needs a 1.80 cum. GPA
  • if 30 - 49.99 quality hours, needs a 1.80 cum. GPA

Alternative Work Arrangements

Availability of an alternate work arrangement is at the discretion of MTSU and each individual department and is subject to change with or without notice. This policy applies to non-faculty staff. 


MTSU does not have a campus-wide policy. Course instructors have “sole prerogative to excuse or refuse” a student absence. Students should not be penalized for absences related to MTSU-sanctioned activities or inclement weather. An addendum has been added to protect the health of students during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Census Dates & Non-Attendance

During each semester, MTSU faculty are required to report student attendance within the first 14 days. Instructors can make adjustments to reporting at any point during the semester, as well as required reporting dates. If the student is reported “stopped” or “never attended," financial aid may be at risk. If reported so for all classes, they are considered “unofficially” withdrawn. 

Course Program of Study (CPoS)

Only courses required for degree completion can be used to determine a student's aid eligibility for federal, state, and institutional financial aid programs such as grants, work-study, and loans. For federal, state, and institutional aid to pay for a course in their major, minor, or other degree requirement, it must be part of their Course Program of Study (CPoS) or necessary to their degree.  Full-time enrollment status depends upon courses that count, which also means it could impact MTSU or state scholarships, like the Hope lottery.


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that protects student educational record privacy. Student educational records are considered confidential and may not be released without the student completing a Partners in Education (PIE) form on Pipeline. Those with PIE pins can contact the One Stop to request protected records. 

Fresh Start

If a student is returning to MTSU after 4+ years of non-attendance at any university, they may be eligible for academic forgiveness. Low grades are excluded from QPA and GPA. Read all qualifications and contact your advising manager for questions about the application procedure. The application is submitted by the advisor after approved by the manager.

GPA Types

Calculated to include and/or exclude information. Descriptions of GPAs can be found in PipelineMT in the Advisors page, under “Student GPA.”

  • Institution Combined: includes developmental courses
  • Institution: used for Dean's list and to check minimum MTSU residency hours required for graduation
  • Inclusive Combined: used for financial aid/athletic eligibility
  • Inclusive: used for candidacy programs
  • Lottery GPA: Used for calculating HOPE scholarship eligibility
  • Overall Combined: used for probation/suspension
  • Overall: used for graduation
  • Transfer: includes GPA Hours and Quality Points for transfer work posted prior to Summer 2015
  • Transfer Combined: includes college and Developmental level courses from schools other than MTSU

Grade Appeals

There are two levels of grade appeals. Grade appeal forms are found on the One Stop website.

  • Level One: If a student believes they did not receive a fair grade, they should meet with the instructor. If there is an impasse after this meeting, the student should meet with the department chair within 10 business days of the initial meeting. The chair will make a recommendation concerning the appeal and provide copies to student and instructor.

  • Level Two: If the student is still not satisfied, they have 15 days to approach the Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs with the appeal, chair recommendation, and all relevant information. The vice provost will select a committee to make a final decision.

Grade Types

Grades A, B, C, D, & F describe the quality of student achievement. Grade FA means “failed to attend.” Grade N means “no credit” and is given to certain courses that have minimum grade requirements (such as ENGL 1010). Grade P is given for pass/fail courses (or AP credit). Grade W demonstrates a course was dropped after a certain date. Grade NC indicates an audited class for no credit. Grades that begin with T (effective Summer 2015) demonstrate a transfer grade and will not be calculated in overall or overall combined GPAs.

Incomplete Grades

The letter grade I is given to students who do not complete required coursework and have been allowed an extended amount of time to complete it by their professor. The incomplete grade must be removed during the succeeding semester, excluding summer. Otherwise, the instructor default grade is entered. A student cannot make up the incomplete by registering and paying again for the same course.  Refer the student to their professor for specific information.

Judicial Affairs

Office responsible for student violations of prohibited behavior on campus or at campus events. Reports of acts/incidents involving students may be referred and directed to the Assistant Dean for Judicial Affairs. After a preliminary review, there is a hearing procedure, unless the student waives TUAPA case procedures. A student suspended or expelled after hearing can appeal within 48 hours. 

Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)

Institutional process for identifying key issues emerging from institutional assessment and focuses on learning outcomes and/or the environment supporting student learning and accomplishing the mission of the institution.  

Partners in Education (PIE) Authorization

Students can choose to complete a PIE form that will grant designated people access to student-privileged information. If a PIE form does not exist, MT One Stop staff cannot provide the inquirer student information that is protected under FERPA. Students can elect to submit this form on PipelineMT under “Student Records.” PIE partners are given a PIN that they will need to provide to staff before receiving privileged information.

Repeating a Course

Students can retake a course to raise their GPA. The first attempt will replace the previous grade, no matter the grade. On a second attempt, the grade will no longer be replaced, and its hours will be added into total GPA hours. More information can be found on the MTSU One Stop website.

Title IX

MTSU has implemented its University Title IX Compliance policy (Policy 29) and its investigation procedures. The policy changes seek to provide stronger due process protections to  those who  are accused  of sexual misconduct, while also balancing the rights of those who experience sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking. The changes include a new grievance process that requires a written complaint signed by the complainant (person who reports harm) requesting the university to conduct an investigation of a reported violation by a University respondent (the person who is accused). A Title IX investigator will conduct a traditional investigation to create a summary report. An independent hearing officer/decision-maker will then conduct a live-hearing  that includes cross examination to determine if there was a violation of University policy. Any allegation of sexual misconduct, discrimination, or harassment not covered by Policy 29 will be reviewed according to the previous Policy 27.

Mandatory Reporter

Under Policy 29, once a mandatory reporter becomes aware of a reported violation of a student, faculty, staff or other member of the University community, it must be reported to the Title IX Coordinator. Mandatory reporters at MTSU are:

  • Title IX Deputy Coordinators
  • University Police
  • Residence Hall/Housing Area Coordinators, Resident Directors and Resident Assistants
  • Faculty and Graduate Assistants
  • President, Provost, Vice Presidents, Associate Vice Presidents, Assistant Vice Presidents,
  • Deans, Associate and Assistant Deans, Directors, Associate and Assistant Directors, Department Chairs/Heads
  • Advising Managers
  • Advisors for Student Organizations
  • Athletic Coaches and Trainers
  • Athletic Director, Associate Athletic Directors and Assistant Athletic Directors; and


Students can either partially or fully withdraw from MTSU at any point during the semester. Withdrawal deadlines can be found on the Registration Guide. Some students may also qualify for extenuating circumstance withdrawal

  • Partial WithdrawalRefers to when a student drops some but not all classes.This can still jeopardize such things as financial aid, housing, and veterans benefits. The student should talk to both their advisor and One Stop prior to dropping. Students can drop via Pipeline through the 60% point of the semester (dates in Registration Guide).
  • Unofficial WithdrawalStudent has been reported as never or stopped-attending by faculty. The student will receive a grade of FA. This can also jeopardize current and future financial aid status, while negatively impacting GPA as well.
  • Total WithdrawalStudent drops all courses. While students can initiate this online through the semester’s Study Day, they should contact One Stop first to understand all financial aid/fee implications. Withdrawing at any point could result in a balance due to the university.


If you see anything on this site that needs editing, updating, or have suggestions for additions, please email Erin.Arnold@mtsu.edu.