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Undergraduate Admissions & Standards

Committee Members

The Undergraduate Admissions and Standards Committee should be composed of two (2) faculty members from each cohort; and two (2) students, preferably upper-class representatives. The Vice Provost for Academic Programs, Vice Provost for International Affairs, Associate Vice Provost for Admissions and Enrollment Services, Director of Enrollment Technical Services, Curriculum Specialist, University Registrar/Assistant Vice Provost of Registration and Student Records, and the Director of General Education will serve as ex-officio members.

Samuel Haruna2023-2025CBAS/Agriculture
Vajira Manathunga, Chair2022-2024CBAS/Mathematical Sciences
Virginia Hemby-Grubb2023-2025JCOB/Marketing
Claire Cook2023-2025CBHS/Human Sciences
Sheri Selph2023-2025CLA/Art and Design 
Christoph Rosenmuller2023-2024CLA/History
Tammy Donham2022-2024CME/Recording Industry
Meredith Ann (MA) Higgs2022-2024UC/University Studies
Amy Aldridge Sanford Ex Officio/Vice Provost for Academic Programs
Susan Myers-Shirk Ex Officio/Director of General Education
Robert Summers Ex  Officio/Vice Provost for International Affairs
Laurie Witherow Ex Officio/Interim Vice Provost for Enrollment Services
Teresa Thomas Ex Officio/Director of Enrollment Technical Services
Mitzi Brandon Ex Officio/Curriculum Specialist
Tyler Henson Ex Officio/University Registrar/Assistant Vice Provost of Registration and Student Records
Giselle Noel2023-2024Student