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College of Basic and Applied Sciences

College of Basic and Applied Sciences

The College of Basic and Applied Sciences (CBAS) is a diverse set of departments that includes the basic sciences (Biology, Chemistry, and Physics), Mathematics, and Computer Science as well as Aerospace, Agriculture, Concrete Industry Management, Engineering Technology, Geosciences, and Military Science.

We believe that science holds the hope of our country’s continued success and are working hard to improve K-12 education in the basic and applied sciences. We are excited you have taken time to visit our site!

The largest of the university’s five undergraduate colleges in terms of the overall number of declared majors, the college has 4000+ undergraduate, over 300 master’s, and 90 doctoral students. This college offers 17 undergraduate major programs, including 56 different emphasis areas. Seven of the eleven departments within the college offer programs leading to a master’s degree. The college also offers interdisciplinary programs including a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Forensic Science; a Master of Science (M.S.) in Professional Science with six concentrations; and three Ph.D. degrees in the areas of Computational Science, Molecular Biosciences, and Mathematics and Science Education.

Our talented faculty work one-on-one with a large number of majors, teach many general education classes in mathematics and the sciences, provide service to the professional community, and engage in basic and applied research.  The college currently has 210 full-time faculty.

College of Basic and Applied Sciences Administration

Greg Van Patten
Office: SCI 1022


Greg Van Patten   
Office:  SCI 1022  615-898-2613  

Associate Dean

Saeed D. Foroudastan     
Office: SCI 1026 615-494-8786 

Associate Dean for Research

Kevin L. Bicker
Office: SCI 3014

Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs

Sarah K. Bleiler-Baxter
Office: DSB 137 615-898-2616

Associate Dean for Academic Programs

Samuel Haruna
Office: SAG 111

Assistant to the Dean

Marlene Lawson
Office: SCI 1018

Administrative Associate

Melissa Burnett
Office: SCI 1020

Instructional Technology Specialist

Chris Kelley

Office: SCI 1140

Director of Development

Jared Bryson

Office: SCI 1010


Grants Technical Clerk

Jamie Morgan
Office: SCI 1145

Contact Us

College of Basic and Applied Sciences

Office of the Dean

MTSU Box 83, SCI 1020
1301 East Main Street
Murfreesboro, TN 37132
