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Campus Nonviolence

Program Funding Opportunities

Tina Stewart Campus Nonviolence Fund

Tina Stewart was an MTSU student athlete who passed away tragically in a violent incident in 2011. In November 2017, the Student Government Association decided to honor Tina’s character and her love for our University by creating and sponsoring the Tina Stewart Campus Nonviolence Fund. This fund seeks to uphold her profound legacy of nonviolence at MTSU.

MTSU student organizations and university departments may apply for funding if their program goals include one or more of the following objectives: preventing student violence, educating students on consent and safe dating practices, creation of marketing materials that publicize campus resources available for victims of violence and bystander resources. The creation of public service announcements, social media campaigns, videos and other forms of advertising that embrace nonviolent behavior will also be given funding consideration.

The Campus Nonviolence Committee will review applications once per year and will award funds based on funding availability and the alignment of application proposals with campus nonviolence goals.

[email protected]

true blue pledge

Written by members of the Campus Nonviolence Committee