Where the Wasteland Ends; politics and transcendence in postindustrial society


Theodore Roszak


Book, Hard Copy








A discussion of the present state of the human soul, as humans search for meaning. 

Important Notes

Where the Wasteland Ends --
The Wasteland within and about Us --
The Artificial Environment --
The Flight from the Primitive --
The Urban-Industrial Imperative --
The Great Divide --
The Technological Coalescence: Its Use and Abuse --
Disneyland Is Better --
Citadel of Expertise --
From Luxury to Convenience to Necessity --
The Scientization of Culture --
The Systems Approach --
The Citadel of Expertise --
The Varieties of Technocracy --
The New Ship of State --
The Strategy of Countervailing Expertise --
The Arsenal of Wonders --
Detours and Deadends --
The Air-Conditioned Nightmare --
The Sweet and Swinging Life --
Waking Up, Being Real: The Mindscape of Single Vision --
Psyche and Society --
Dark Mind and Dream Thieving --
The Spectator Senses --
The Death-in-Life of the Body --
A Revolutionary Mysticim --
Single Vision and Newton's Sleep: The Strange Interplay of Objectivity and Alienation --
The Sin of Idolatry --
In the Eye of the Beholder --
"The Heathen in His Blindness ..." --
The Death of Magic --
Iconoclast Fury and the Kali Yuga --
The Degradation of Myth --
Idolatry and Damnation --
Transcendent Symbolism --
A Dead Man's Eyes --
The Scientific Revolution: Idolatry Triumphant --
Blake ... or Bacon --
The Novum Organum --
"Here Be Monsters ..." --
The Secret of Power-Knowledge --
The Desacralization of Nature --
The Last Ditch --
Fair Bait ... Cruel Trap --
Nature in an Objective Key --
God Expertly Embalmed --
The Veridical Experience --
"To Interrogate Nature with Power": The Utilitarian Promise --
The Bourgeois Lifestyle --
The Egalitarian Ethic --
A Passion Called Reason --
Mythic Stature --
Imaginative Grandeur --
Never Two Cultures ... Only One --
Science in Extremis: Prospect of an Autopsy --
The Slow Death of a Reality Principle --
Big Science: The Undoing of the Human Scale --
Earth-Rape: The Undoing of Progress --
Technocracy: The Undoing of the Open Society --
Quantifiable Man: The Undoing of Political Community --
The Reductionist Assault: The Undoing of the Mysteries --
Esotericism: The Undoing of Shared Culture --
Appendix to Chapter 7. The Reductionist Assault : The Automatization of Personality ; Therapy by Terror ; Physical Control of the Mind ; Artificial Intelligence and Mechanistic Counterfeiting ; Brain Extraction and Transplantation ; The Nihilism of the New Biology --
A Politics of Eternity --
Romantic Perversity --
The Romantic Counterpoint --
The Defense of Imagination --
Mind on Fire: Notes on Three Old Poets --
Blake: The Fourfold Vision --
Wordsworth: "Nature and the Language of the Sense" --
Goethe: The Sensuous Imagination --
Uncaging Skylarks: The Meaning of Transcendent Symbols --
The Popular History of Aviation --
The "Real Thing" --
The Secularization of Symbols --
The Vision-Flight: Exprerience and Symbol --
The Law of Gravity --
"Occult Properties" --
The Newtonian Phantasm --
Seeing and "Seeing" --
Technology and Magic --
The Eclipse of Meaning --
Rhapsodic Intellect --
To Know and to Know --
Resonance and Literalism --
Dream Meanings --
"The First till Last Alshemist" --
Oneness: "Objectively Analyzed ... Subjectively Penetrated" --
Ecology and the Uses of Mysticism --
A Science of Rhapsodic Intellect --
The Visionary Commonwealth --
The Story So Far --
Deurbanizaiton --
An Economics of Permanence --
"Why Tribe?" --
But Where Are The Blueprints? --
The Person First --
And the Rest of the World ...? --
The Next Politics --


metaphysics, culture, religion



