Department of English
Online Students

MTSU English offers the major entirely online as part of an Online B.A. or B.S. degree. (See MTSU’s full list of Online Degrees.)
MTSU News article on the Benefits of studying English online
2024 Recognition for MTSU
- Best Online Colleges in Tennessee (2024) [Forbes]
- America’s Top Online Colleges (2024) [Newsweek / Statista]
English Online Advising
- The English Department’s Online Academic Advisor is Dr. Laura Dubek.
English Major and Minor Requirements
For complete information about the English major, visit the English Program page. The English minor requires ENGL 3007 and 12 hours of electives.
English Online Courses
The English courses listed below are available online on a regular rotation (with the exception of Topics courses). Instructors may vary.
General Education
Multiple online sections of ENGL 1010, 1020, 2020, and 2030 are offered every semester. 2020 Theme offerings vary.
ENGL 1010
ENGL 1010K
ENGL 1020
ENGL 2020
ENGL 2020
ENGL 2020
ENGL 2020
ENGL 2020
ENGL 2020
ENGL 2020
ENGL 2020
ENGL 2020
ENGL 2020
ENGL 2020
ENGL 2020
ENGL 2030
Expository Writing
Stretch Program – Expository Writing
Research/Argumentative Writing
Theme: American Nature Writing
Theme: Black Writers Matter
Theme: Childhood Innocence and Evil in Modern Fiction
Theme: Contemporary World Literature
Theme: Happily Ever After
Theme: Holocaust Survivor Literature
Theme: Modern American Environmental Literature
Theme: Southern Drama and Film
Theme: Sports and Literature
Theme: Video Games and Literature [Honors]
Theme: Women Immigrants and the American Dream
Theme: Women Writing HerStory
Experience of Literature
English Major Core
Online sections of core courses are offered most Fall and Spring semesters.
ENGL 3000
ENGL 3010
ENGL 3020
ENGL 3030
Introduction to Literary Studies
British Literature: Beginning to 1700
British Literature II
Introduction to American Literature
Online elective courses are generally offered on a one- to two-year rotation.
ENGL 2500
ENGL 3135
ENGL 3230
ENGL 3320
ENGL 3330
ENGL 3340
ENGL 3370
ENGL 3400
ENGL 3410
ENGL 3510
ENGL 3570
ENGL 3605
ENGL 3620
ENGL 3730
ENGL 3740
ENGL 3745
ENGL 3850
ENGL 4240
ENGL 4425
ENGL 4510
ENGL 4570
ENGL 4605
ENGL 4785
ENGL 4860
ENGL 4900
ENGL 4999
Introduction to Creative Writing
Introduction to Shakespeare
Literature of the Victorian Era
American Literary Icons
Southern Literature
African American Literature
Modern American Poetry
European Literature to 1400
Classical Mythology
English Grammar and Usage for Educators
Introduction to Linguistics
Applied Writing [does not count for the English major]
Professional Writing
Twentieth Century Women Writers
Children’s Literature
Literature for Adolescents
Literature and Film
Modern English Literature
Backgrounds of Modern Literature
Modern English Grammar and Usage
Topics in Linguistics: The Science of Words
Advanced Composition
Law and Literature
Special Topics in Film: Film Noir
Topics in Literature: Crime, Criminals and Detectives
Portfolio (1 credit hour)
Please see the current schedule via Pipeline for specific offerings by semester.
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Contact Us
Department of English
Mailing Address:
Department of English
Middle Tennessee State University
Box 70
1301 East Main Street
Murfreesboro, TN 37132
Main Office: Peck Hall 302
Chair: Dr. Stephen Severn
Telephone: (615) 898-2648