Dr. Angela Hague

Professor Emerita

Dr. Angela Hague
(615) 294-0800

Departments / Programs


Dr. Hague teaches courses in classical mythology and twentieth-century women witers, as well as Themes in Literature and Culture: Childhood Innocence and Evil in Modern Fiction.  She is the author of Iris Murdoch's Comic Vision, and Fiction, Intuition, and Creativity: Studies in Bronte, James, Woolf, and Lessing, and co-editor (with David Lavery) of Deny All Knowledge: Reading The X-Files and Teleparody: Predicting/Preventing the TV Discourse of Tomorrow.


  • Hague, Angela. Iris Murdoch's Comic Vision. Selinsgrove and London: Associated University Presses, 1984 .
  • ___. Fiction, Intuition, and Creativity: Studies in Brontë , James, Woolf, and Lessing. Washington, D.C .: Catholic University o f America Press, 2003.
  • ___ (with David Lavery and Marla Cartwright), ed. Deny All Knowledge: Reading The X-Files. The Television Series. Syracuse: Syracuse U P, 1996.
  • ___ (with David Lavery), ed. Teleparody: Predicting / Preventing the TV Discourse of Tomorrow. London: Wallflower Press, 2002.


Four-time winner of the Honors Outstanding Teacher Award

Distinguished Online Instructor Award