Dong Ye

I am a professor of Department of Mathematical Sciences, and part of Center for Computational and Data Science at Middle Tennessee State University.

My research interests generally lie in Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics, which study mathematical structures that are fundamentally discrete rather than continuous. One of the prime objects of study in Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics is graph which can model many types of relations and dynamics in biological, chemical, physical and social systems. Graphs also be used to represent networks of communication, data organization etc. The study of graphs -- graph theory -- has important connections to other areas of mathematics such as algebra, geometry, topology and analysis etc.

Currently, my research mainly focuses on circuit covers, flows and matchings of graphs. I am also interested in applications of discrete mathematics in biology, chemistry and data sciences. If you are a student interested in doing research in these areas, please send me an email.

I am a co-organizer of the Discrete Mathematics Seminar of Department of Mathematical Sciences at MTSU.






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