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Honors College

Cumulative National Awards

YearNameMajorType of Award
2025Hannah FerreiraPsychology and Political ScienceGilman-McCain Scholarship (Austria)
2024Ashari LeonardFashion MerchandisingBenjamin A. Gilman Scholarship (Japan)
2024Ariel NicastroPhysicsBenjamin A. Gilman Scholarship (Argentina)
2024Qadria WadeSpeech/Language Pathology and AudiologyBenjamin A. Gilman Scholarship (United Kingdom)
2024Collins, AnnaAgribusinessPhi Kappa Phi Pioneer Award
2024Booher, RachelEnglishPhi Kappa Phi Marcus L. Urann Fellowship
2024Ibrahim, MairiamPsychologyPhi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Scholarship
2024Estes, EthanHistoryPhi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Scholarship
2024Groves, GreshamPsychologyPhi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Scholarship
2024Laurel, RachelleMarketing and JapaneseBridging Scholarship for Japan
2024Birdwell, WilliamJapaneseJapanese Exchange and Teaching Program (JET)
2024Freeman, ThomasPhysicsUniversity of Alabama – Birmingham (REU)
2024Matthews, BrianPhysicsUniversity of Alabama – Huntsville (REU)
2024Asefa, SolyanaBiochemistryBenjamin A. Gilman Scholarship (Germany, Czech Republic, Netherlands, France)
2024Sharif, AyaSpeech/Language Pathology and AudiologyBenjamin A. Gilman Scholarship (Spain)
2024Sandidge, GraceGeoscienceBenjamin A. Gilman Scholarship (Switzerland)
2024Farris, JohnAerospaceBenjamin A. Gilman Scholarship (New Zealand)
2024Stites, JessicaData ScienceBenjamin A. Gilman Scholarship (Germany, Czech Republic, Netherlands, France)
2024Ibrahim, MairiamPsychologyBenjamin A. Gilman Scholarship (Germany, Czech Republic, Netherlands, France)
2024Grigsby, VictoriaPolitical Science / Foreign LanguageBenjamin A. Gilman Scholarship (Germany)
2024Maxwell, BrianVideo and Film ProductionHarold Love Community Service Award
2024Certain, ElliotSocial WorkHarold Love Community Service Award
2024Grigsby, VictoriaPolitical Science and GermanDelta Scholars Program
2024Nicastro, ArielPhysicsBarry Goldwater Scholarship
2024Baldriche, LulaPhysicsBinghampton University in Renewable Energy Generation and Storage (NSF REU)
2024Atkins, ElijahComputer ScienceVanderbilt Biomedical Informatics Summer program (NSF REU)
2024Neal, SkyleChemistry and MathematicsExperimental and Computational Spectroscopy program at Ohio State
2024Frazee, JaymeForeign LanguagesJapanese Exchange and Teaching Program (JET)
2024Harbach, BrionnaArt EducationJapanese Exchange and Teaching Program (JET)
2024Taylor, ColbyEnglishJapanese Exchange and Teaching Program (JET)
2024Wolff, AndrewForeign Languages, and Global Studies and Human GeographyJapanese Exchange and Teaching Program (JET)
2024Clippard, RebeccaForeign LanguagesMEXT Research Scholarship
2024Zwemer, DaraPsychologyGraduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF GRFP)
2024Fouad, MonikaPhysics and AstronomyGraduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF GRFP)
2024 Aldana Lira, CarlosComputer ScienceUniversity of Washington-Seattle (REU)
2024Salter, JakeComputer ScienceFulbright Mitacs Globalink Research Internship
2024Tall-LaRue, BryceAudio ProductionBenjamin A. Gilman Scholarship (Senegal)
2024Johnson, BrittneyGlobal Studies and Human Geography, and Foreign LanguageGates Cambridge Scholarship (University of Cambridge, UK)
2024Nicastro, ArielPhysicsScience Undergraduate Research Internship (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
2024Apigian, SamuelMechatronics EngineeringDAAD RISE Award (Germany)
2023Bolick, CatherynBiology / MusicPhi Kappa Phi Fellowship
2023Bolick, CatherynBiology / MusicOmicron Delta Kappa Scholarship
2023Kowalczyk, ElizabethForensic ScienceBarry Goldwater Scholarship
2023Kowalczyk, ElizabethForensic ScienceNational Science Foundation International Research Experience for Students (IRES)
2023Nagib, ErenyInformation SystemsBenjamin A. Gilman Scholarship (Czech Republic, Switzerland, France, Austria)
2023Azer, FebroniaComputer ScienceBenjamin A. Gilman Scholarship (Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Switzerland)
2023Sanders, JasperAnimationBenjamin A. Gilman Scholarship (Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Switzerland)
2023Gordon, LoganForeign LanguagesBenjamin A. Gilman Scholarship (Japan)
2023Garcia-Alamilla, JonathanComputer ScienceBenjamin A. Gilman Scholarship (Japan)
2023Wells, PatrickHistoryBenjamin A. Gilman Scholarship (Japan)
2023Fischer, SydneyPolitical ScienceBenjamin A. Gilman Scholarship (Jordan)
2023Mahon, AlexisPolitical ScienceBenjamin A. Gilman Scholarship (Senegal)
2023Urwin, FrancescaForeign LanguageBenjamin A. Gilman Scholarship (Spain)
2023Ginnab, YaseenBiology and PsychologyConservation Leadership Program
2023Barger, AlecHistory and Religious StudiesCritical Language Scholarship (SPARK) – Russian
2023Ganster, AuraNutrition and Food ScienceCritical Language Scholarship (SPARK) – Chinese
2023Meer, NinaBusiness AdministrationCritical Language Scholarship (SPARK) – Chinese
2023Little, DimendInternational RelationsGilman Brussels Study Tour
2023Little, DimendInternational RelationsHarold Love Comunity Service Scholarship
2023Dodson, DevinIntegrated StudiesJapanese Exchange and Teaching Program (JET)
2023Ortega, DeniseBiologyJapanese Exchange and Teaching Program (JET)
2023Cwirko, AndrewGlobal Studies and JapaneseJapanese Exchange and Teaching Program (JET)
2023Williams, AshleyJapaneseJapanese Exchange and Teaching Program (JET)
2023Boren, MatthewInternational Relations and JapaneseJapanese Exchange and Teaching Program (JET)
2023Freeman, ThomasPhysicsNational Science Foundation (REU) – University of Arkansas
2023Allen, OscarPhysicsNational Science Foundation (REU) – University of Alabama Birmingham
2023Weiche, EthanPhysicsNational Science Foundation (REU) – University of Arkansas
2023Quinby, RachaelPhysicsNational Science Foundation (REU) – Vanderbilt University
2023Williams, AlexandriaBiologyNational Science Foundation (REU) – University of Notre Dame
2023Givens, KendraComputer ScienceNational Science Foundation (REU) – Carnegie Mellon
2023Fouad, MonikaPhysics and BiochemistryNational Science Foundation (REU) – Texas A&M
2023Alcox, IanPhysicsNational Science Foundation REU – Pittsburg Supercomputing Center through Carnegie Mellon
2023Nicastro, ArielPhysicsNational Science Foundation (REU) – University of Maryland
2023Evans, JamesBiologyNational Science Foundation (REU)/B.I.G. program – University of California Los Angeles 
2023Maguire, GrettaMusic (Masters)U.S. Studnet Fulbright – Taiwan
2023Grigsby, VictoriaPolitical ScienceU.K. Summer Fulbright
2022Artibee, MadelinePublic History (Doctor of Philosophy)Research Fulbright Award (Croatia)
2022Bent, CaimelleNursingBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (South Korea)
2022Bland, RandaRecording Industry and MarketingGilman-McCain Scholarship (United Kingdom, France, Belgium, and Netherlands)
2022Booher, RachelForeign Languages and EnglishFreeman – ASIA Scholarship to Japan
2022Borges, AshleyPhilosophyJapanese Exchange and Teaching Program (JET)
2022Bosheers, JustinCriminal Justice AdministrationBoren Scholarship – African Flagship Languages Inititative (AFLI)
2022Clippard, ElizabethBiology and Plant & Soil ScienceNational Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program Award (GRFP)
2022Ekwuazi, AdaoreEconomicsBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Ghana)
2022Emamalie, LarissaForeign Languages and BusinessJapanese Exchange and Teaching Program (JET)
2022Ginnab, YaseenBiology and PsychologyFulbright Mitacs Globalink Research Internship
2022Ginnab, YaseenBiology and PsychologyBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Costa Rica)
2022Ginnab, YaseenBiology and PsychologyGoldwater Scholarship
2022Graf, CameronPlant & Soil ScienceNational Science Foundation at South Dakota State University (REU)
2022Greer, KatheryneForeign LanguagesBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (France)
2022Guest, JaelForeign LanguagesFund for Education Abroad (FEA) Scholarship 
2022Guest, JaelForeign LanguagesBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (France)
2022Guest, JaelForeign LanguagesPhi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Scholarship
2022Harris, PhoenixPhysicsBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Japan)
2022Hii, WangMechatronics EngineeringBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (South Korea)
2022Hite, MariaSciencePhi Kappa Phi Fellowship
2022Little, DimendInternational RelationsFund for Education Abroad (FEA) Scholarship 
2022Little, DimendInternational RelationsBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Spain)
2022Little, DimendInternational RelationsPhi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Scholarship
2022Loza, MarinaMusicBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Austria)
2022Maas, SophiaEnglish and Global StudiesJapanese Exchange and Teaching Program (JET)
2022Maguire, GrettaMasters in MusicCritical Language Scholarship (CLS), Chinese
2022Mahon, AlexisPolitical ScienceBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Senegal)
2022Marcoaldi, DominicPhilosophyBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Chile)
2022Marshall, AlexisSpanish and JournalismFulbright – Berlin Capital Program
2022Medley, MarianGlobal Studies and Environmental ScienceBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Switzerland and Italy)
2022Mohammad, AhmadComputer ScienceNational Science Foundation at Florida International University (REU)
2022Morklithavong, DarrikaMasters of Arts in International AffairsFulbright English Teaching Assistant Grant (Laos)
2022Naylor, ZoeJournalism and Foreign LanguagesPhi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Scholarship
2022Norris, KelsiePsychologyBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Austria)
2022Owen, MahalaInterior DesignBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Spain)
2022Padilla, RossanaTextiles Merchandising DesignBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Virtual Internship)
2022Pendergast, BrandiBiologyBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Spain)
2022Saeed, UsmanComputer ScienceCritical Language Scholarship (CLS), Arabic
2022Schrader, JessicaRecording IndustryBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (United Kingdom)
2022Smith, LaurenForeign LanguagesJapanese Exchange and Teaching Program (JET)
2022Soto Leon, LuzNutrition and Food ScienceBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Switzerland and Italy)
2022Torres, CynthiaPsychologyHarold Love Outstanding Community Service Award
2022Valdez, JanellePhysicsNational Science Foundation at Boston University (REU)
2022Vilaysane, SarinaPsychologyBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Austria)
2022Wilson, QuinnPhysicsNational Science Foundation at Cornell University (REU)
2022Witt, JulieIntegrated StudiesCritical Language Scholarship (CLS), Hindi
2021Booher, RachelForeign LangageFreeman-ASIA Scholarship to Japan
2021Clayton, SaiArt and JapaneseFreeman-ASIA Scholarship to Japan
2021Clippard, ElizabethBiology and Plant & Soil ScienceMissouri Botantial Garden (REU)
2021Clippard, RebeccaForeign LanguagePhi Kappa Phi Love of Learning Award
2021Crenshaw, MilesPhysicsNational Science Foundation at Catholic University (REU)
2021Dienye, JilaenaElementary EducationBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Spain)
2021Frazier, JaredChemistry and Computer ScienceUniversity of Michigan (REU)
2021Ginnab, YaseenBiology and PsychologyCentral Michigan University (REU)
2021Gordan, LoganForeign LanguageFreeman-ASIA Scholarship to Japan
2021Gordan, LoganForeign LanguageBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Japan)
2021Johnson, BrittneyGlobal Studies & Human Geography and Foreign LanguageFulbright English Teaching Assistant Grant (Spain)
2021Keith, KelseyEnglish and SpanishFulbright English Teaching Assistant Grant (Spain)
2021Keith, KelseyEnglish and SpanishPhi Kappa Phi Fellowship
2021Lewis, DaVonteComputer Science and PhysicsUniversity of Illnois: Urbana-Champaign (REU)
2021Loza, MarinaMusicFund for Education Abroad (FEA)
2021Loza, MarinaMusicBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Austria)
2021Maguire, GrettaMaster of MusicCritical Language Scholarship (CLS), China
2021Margerison, KyliePsychologyBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (South Korea)
2021Nguyen, ThiComputer ScienceFlorida International University (REU)
2021Ni, SuzyBiochemistryFreeman-Asia Scholarship to South Korea
2021Ni, SuzyBiochemistryFund for Education Abroad (FEA)
2021Ortega, DeniseBiologyDAAD RISE Award (Germany)
2021Ortega, DeniseBiologyGoldwater Scholarship
2021Rempis, MiuraHistory and Political ScienceHarold Love Outstanding Community Service Award
2021Rhodes, StevenPhysicsUniversity of Arkansas (REU)
2021Scott, KatrinaArt and Foreign LanguageTeaching Assistant Program in France (TAPIF)
2021Sullivan, MichelleGlobal StudiesJapanese Exchange and Teaching Program (JET)
2021West, AntonioBusiness AdministrationBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Japan)
2021White, ElijahComputer Science and Foreign LanguageBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Japan)
2020Barber, ZepherEnvironmental ScienceNational Science Foundation at Rutgers University (REU) (Cancelled due to COVID-19)
2020Beyene, HananReligious Studies and Global Studies & Human GeographyBridging Scholarship (Japan)
2020Clayton, SaiJapanese and ArtBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Japan)
2020Clayton, SaiJapanese and ArtFreeman-Asia Scholarship to Saitama University in Saitama, Japan
2020Clippard, ElizabethBiology and Plant & Soil ScienceNational Science Foundation at University of Michigan (REU)
2020Frazier, JaredChemistry and Computer ScienceDAAD RISE Award (Germany) (Cancelled due to COVID-19)
2020Frazier, JaredChemistry and Computer ScienceGoldwater Scholarship
2020Frazier, JaredChemistry and Computer ScienceNational Science Foundation at New York University (REU) (Cancelled due to COVID-19)
2020Frazier, JaredChemistry and Computer ScienceNational Science Foundation at University of Buffalo (REU) (Cancelled due to COVID-19)
2020Frazier, JaredChemistry and Computer ScienceNational Science Foundation at University of Tennessee, Knoxville (REU) (Cancelled due to COVID-19)
2020Godwin, MatthewPhysicsNational Science Foundation at Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute (REU)
2020Gulizia, JosephAnimal SciencePhi Kappa Phi Fellowship
2020Johnson, BrittneyGlobal Studies & Human Geography and Foreign LanguageFulbright English Teaching Assistant Grant (Spain)
2020Larkins, JewelBiologyNational Science Foundation at Georgia Tech Aquatic Ecolog (REU) (Cancelled due to COVID-19)
2020Morin, GabriellaBiology and Foreign LanguageHarold Love Outstanding Community Service Award
2020Ni, SuzyBiochemistryBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (South Korea)
2020Ni, SuzyBiochemistryFreeman-Asia Scholarship to Korea University in Seoul, South Korea
2020Norrod, LandonMechatronics EngineeringDAAD RISE Award (Germany) (Cancelled due to COVID-19)
2020Norrod, LandonMechatronics EngineeringScience, Mathematics and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship
2020Ortega, DeniseBiologyNational Science Foundation at New Mexica, Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge (REU)
2020Remedios, SamuelComputer ScienceNational Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program Award (GRFP)
2020Sarivong, JoeyGlobal Studies & Human GeographyBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Thailand)
2020Scott, MollyEngineering TechnologyNational Science Foundation at University of Alabama Huntsville NASA Project (REU)
2020Shock, JoanAnthropologyFulbright English Teaching Assistant Grant (Romania)
2020Shotwell, JessicaSociologyNational Science Foundation Graduate Reserach Fellowship Program Award (GRFP)
2020Story, JonathanMastors of Arts in TeachingFulbright English Teaching Assistant Grant Alternate (France)
2020Thoman, AhmadVideo & Film ProductionBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Brazil)
2020Zawity, DeminPsychologyFulbright English Teaching Assistant Grant (Malaysia)
2019Bowen, KelseyInternational RelationsOak Ridge National Laboratory (REU)
2019Bradley, HaleyAeronautical ScienceBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Japan)
2019Brinegar, CaseyLeisure Sport & TourismFulbright English Teaching Assistant Grant (Bulgaria)
2019Carter, TeresaPsychologyResearch Experience for Veteran Undergraduates (REVU), Yale
2019Clippard, RebeccaForeign LanguageJapanese Exchange and Teaching Program (JET)
2019Ellis, HayleyInterdisciplinary StudiesPhi Kappa Phi Study Abroad
2019Hogan, KeyanaGlobal Studies and Foreign LanguageBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Japan)
2019Laffely, GarrethMarketingHarold Love Outstanding Community Service Award
2019Little, BironIndustrial & Organization PsychologyBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Japan)
2019Little, BironIndustrial & Organization PsychologyPhi Kappa Phi Study Abroad
2019Lopez, AnaNutrition and Food ScienceBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (France)
2019Marshall, AlexisForeign Language and JournalismCritical Language Scholarship (CLS), Arabic
2019McBane, LiamMusicPhi Kappa Phi Study Abroad
2019Moilanen, AricPhysicsNational Science Foundation at University of Michigan (REU)
2019Nunez, TammyBiology and SpanishBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Spain)
2019Ortega, DeniseBiologyNational Science Foundation, Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP), Costa Rica (REU)
2019Owen, RobertBiologyPhi Kappa Phi Fellowship
2019Reece, RachelForeign Language and Global Studies & Human GeographyJapanese Exchange and Teaching Program (JET)
2019Reed, CoreyMass CommunicationJapanese Exchange and Teaching Program (JET)
2019Seaton, DestinyJournalismCritical Language Scholarship (CLS), Indonesia
2019Smythe, ParkerCriminal Justice AdministrationFulbright English Teaching Assistant Grant (Bulgaria)
2019Solima, HannahInternational RelationsPhi Kappa Phi Study Abroad
2018Barrett, LoganMusicBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Austria)
2018Brinegar, JoshuaManagementTennessee Tech University (REU)
2018Campbell, ClorissaBiologyMinority Health & Health Disparities International Research Training Program (MHIRT)
2018Campbell, ClorissaBiologyResearch for Undergraduates (REU)
2018Cole, JacksonPhysicsLa Serena School of Data Science (REU)
2018Cunningham, KirstenBiology and ChemistrySummer Undergraduate Research Fellows (SURF) Program at The Scripps Research Institute
2018Doski, PelBiologyFulbright English Teaching Assistant Grant (South Korea)
2018Fitzwater, BrookeBiologyThe Explorers Club Youth Grant
2018Fitzwater, BrookeBiologyMarine Conservation Grant from the Women Diver’s Hall of Fame
2018Green, LeiaForeign LanguagesFulbright English Teaching Assistant Grant (Argentina)
2018Horner, KatelynnFinance and Environmental Sustain TechBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (New Zealand)
2018Johnson, BrittneyGlobal Studies and Human Geography and Foreign LanguagesBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Chile)
2018Keith, KelseyEnglishUK Summer Fulbright Institute, University of Bristol
2018McTyre, EmilyVideo and Film ProductionUK Summer Fulbright Institute, University of Birmingham
2018Owen, RobertBiologyHarold Love Outstanding Community Service Award
2018Phuntling, HermonGlobal Studies and Human GeographyPeace Corps, Health Extension Volunteer in Benin
2018Rainey, CheyenneMass CommunicationBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Japan)
2018Remedios, SamuelComputer ScienceGoldwater Scholarship, Honorable Mention
2018Seaton, DestinyJournalismUdall Scholarship
2018Smith, Alyssa T.SociologyBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Brazil)
2018Torres, YanettJournalismBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Spain)
2018Willis, EthanComputer Science and MathematicsBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Finland)
2017Aboona, BassamPhysicsTexas A&M (REU)
2017Cole, JacksonPhysicsUniversity of Wyoming (REU)
2017Cunningham, KirstenBiology and ChemistryGoldwater Scholarship
2017Gillespie, JohnHistoryDAAD Studies Research Grant, Germany
2017Hall, HannahBiologyUC Riverside (REU)
2017Howse, JoshuaLiberal StudiesBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Costa Rica)
2017Kelley, MarilinMathematicsBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Costa Rica)
2017Kulas, BenjaminPhysicsBlack Hills State University (REU)
2017Lester, EvanAerospacePhi Kappa Phi Love of Learning Award
2017McHugh, EthanPhilosophyCritical Language Scholarship (CLS), Arabic
2017McDonald, CollinAerospaceJames Rardin Aviation Maintenance Technician Student of the Year
2017Miller, TiffanySpanish and International RelationsPhi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Scholarship
2017Musselman, NatalieBiologyPhi Kappa Phi Fellowship
2017Phuntling, HermonGlobal StudiesMinority Health & Health Disparities International Research Training Program (MHIRT), Uganda
2017Richardson, KellyPolitical SciencePublic Policy & International Affairs (PPIA) Junior Summer Institute, University of Minnesota
2017Robles, KarlaComputer Science and BiochemistryResearch Experiences for Undergraduates (REU), MIT
2017Rumble, LeePlant and Soil ScienceTennessee Federation of Garden Clubs Scholarship and the Deep South Gardening Club Scholarship
2017Thornburg, AdamInformation SystemsBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Spain)
2017Walker, BonnieInternational RelationsCritical Language Scholarship (CLS), Turkey
2017Wilcox, KyeeshaGlobal Studies and Cultural GeographySummer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) at Michigan State University (MSU)
2017York, WilliamEnglishBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Japan)
2016Baruch, RookeryComputer ScienceBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (France)
2016Beverly, DakotaInformation SystemsBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Japan)
2016Brittain, KathrynBiochemistryMichigan State University (REU)
2016Buford, BriannaInterior DesignBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Dominican Republic)
2016Cate, AlaynaMusicPrinceton in Asia Finalist
2016Clippard, RebeccaJapanese and SpanishPhi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Scholarship
2016Drew, EmilyMass CommunicationBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (South Korea)
2016Dubois, GraysonComputer ScienceGoldwater Scholarship, Honorable Mention
2016Insyxiengmay, ArounyadethConcrete Industry ManagementBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (United Arab Emirates)
2016Ismail, HussaenConcrete Industry ManagementBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (United Arab Emirates)
2016Kelley, MichelePhysicsDAAD Rise Award, Germany
2016Kupecz, JianaPsychologyBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (South Africa)
2016Madigan, ChloeEnglishPhi Kappa Phi Fellowship
2016Lauderback, DaltonGlobal Studies and Political ScienceFulbright English Teaching Assistant Grant (Germany)
2016Lawrence, ChristianBiologyBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Japan)
2016Lyon, JosiePhysicsOak Ridge National Laboratory Summer Internship
2016Madigan, ChloeEnglishHarold Love Outstanding Community Service Award
2016Phuntling, HermonGlobal Studies Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Tanzania)
2016Robles, KarlaBiochemistryUniversity of Pittsburg (REU)
2016Rodas Munoz, MarthaInternational Relations Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Japan)
2016Roldan, PeterConcrete Industry ManagementBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (United Arab Emirates)
2016Watkins, SabrinaAnimation Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (South Korea)
2015Martin, TandraInternational RelationsMarshall Scholarship Finalist
2015Thompson, DavisPolitical ScienceMarshall Scholarship Finalist
2015Browning, Brianna Global Studies Critical Language Scholarship (CLS), South Korea 
2015Dusabe, MathiasForeign Language (French)Benjamin Franklin Travel Grant
2015Henderson, CaitlinInternational RelationsCritical Language Scholarship (CLS), China
2015Hulsey, Samuel Global Studies and Spanish Foreign Languages Area Studies Award (FLAS), Vanderbilt University
2015Kelley, Michelle Physics University of Michigan in Paris, France (REU)
2015Lawhorn, ChadInternational RelationsBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Russia)
2015Martin, TandraInternational RelationsRHODES Scholarship, Finalist
2015Martin, TandraInternational RelationsFulbright English Teaching Assistant Grant (South Africa)
2015Moran, SophiaAnthropologyBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (France)
2015Morklithavong, DarrikaGlobal StudiesBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Thailand)
2015 Stringer, Katelyn Physics Phi Kappa Phi Fellowship 
2015Thompson, Joseph “Davis”Political ScienceFulbright English Teaching Assistant Grant (Slovak Republic)
2015Paul, ErinInterdisciplinary StudiesHarold Love Oustanding Community Service Award
2015Shotwell, Jessica SociologyMinority Health Disparities International Research Training (MHIRT) in Uganda
2015Dubois, GraysonComputer ScienceScience Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) program at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
2015Smith, SydneyChemistryScience Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) program at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
2015Lyon, JosiePhysicsScience Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) program at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
2015Harmon, ChelseaChemistryGoldwater Scholarship, Honorable Mention
2015Morgan, BrookeForensic ScienceSMART Grant Finalist
2014Anderson, NoelleBiology San Francisco State University (REU)
2014Avila, DimitreGlobal StudiesBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Japan)
2014Benefield, BrittanySocial WorkBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (United Kingdom)
2014Benetti-Longhini, JenniferBiology and SpanishFulbright English Teaching Assistant Grant (Brazil)
2014Enck, ElizabethIntegrated StudiesBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Napal)
2014Gardner, LeighBiology Duke University, Cost Rica Research (REU)
2014Harmon, Chelsea Chemistry DAAD Rise Award, Germany
2014Harmon, ChelseaChemistryGoldwater Scholarship, Honorable Mention  
2014Hulsey, SamuelForeign Language (Spanish)Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad
2014Herlan, Jonathan PhysicsGoldwater Scholarship, Honorable Mention 
2014Kelley, MichelleProfessional PhysicsBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Czech Republic)
2014Martin, Tandra International Relations David L Boren Scholarship (Morocco) 
2014Martin, Tandra International RelationsHarold Love Outstanding Community Service Award
2014 Martin, Tandra International Relations Public Policy and International Affairs (PPIA)
2014McDaniel, Kevin AnthropologyFulbright English Teaching Assistant Grant (Brazil)
2014Monsegue, Nissi International Relations Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (China)
2014Morgan, BrookeForensic ScienceSummer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF), National Institute of Standards and Technology 
2014Murphy, Daniel Physics and Philosophy Phi Kappa Phi Fellowship 
2014O’Connell, NathanMusicBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Costa Rica)
2014Plumer, MitchellGlobal Studies and Foreign LanguageBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Japan)
2014Ramos, Martina Biology University of Chicago (REU)
2014Rose, DeangelicaForeign LanguagesBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (South Korea)
2014Stickney, ShawnIntegrated StudiesBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Russia)
2014Stringer, Katelyn PhysicsTexas A & M (REU)
2014Thompson, Davis Political Science Truman Scholarship Finalist 
2013Guyes, EricPhysicsFulbright English Teaching Assistant Grant (Israel)
2013Owens, DavidMathematics and Science EducationFulbright English Teaching Assistant Grant (Brazil)
2013Basham, JacobMath and ChemistryPhi Kappa Phi Fellowship
2013Caruso, AnnaAnimal ScienceFulbright English Teaching Assistant Grant (Netherlands), Alternate
2013Bornhoft, BrettAerospaceDAAD Rise Award, Germany
2013Murphy, Robert DanielPhysics and PhilosophyGoldwater Scholarship
2013Herlan, JonathanPhysics Goldwater Scholarship, Honorable Mention
2013Pratt, PatrickInternational Relations and Political Science Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Fellowship
2013 Rigsby, Lauren Physics and Biology Phi Kappa Phi Love of Learning Award 
2013Harris, LydiaHistory and AnthropologyBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Ireland)
2013Waite, Leland Aerospace Omicron Delta Kappa Foundation Scholarship 
2012Gouger, DanielSpanish and BiochemistryFulbright English Teaching Assistant Grant (Spain)
2012 Hibdon, Matthew History Omicron Delta Kappa Foundation Award 
2012Johnson, JenniferPsychology Omicron Delta Kappa Foundation Award 
2012Yacovone, AnnaGlobal Studies and Organizational CommunicationFulbright English Teaching Assistant Grant (Laos)
2012Emerson, AdamInternational Relations and PsychologyFulbright English Teaching Assistant Grant (Russia)
2012Rudy, KaylaGermanFulbright English Teaching Assistant Grant (Austria), Alternate
2012Dodson, JordanChemistry and MathematicsGoldwater Scholarship
2011Hallfrisch, KristoferGlobal StudiesBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Jordan)
2011Bogle, KatherinePolitical ScienceTruman Scholarship Finalist
2011Craig, EvanBiologyGoldwater Scholarship
2011Ehemann, RobertPhysics and MathematicsGoldwater Scholarship
2011Pratt, PatrickInternational RelationsFulbright English Teaching Assistant Grant (Tanzania)
2011Rigsby, LaurenPhysics and BiologyGoldwater Honorable Mention
2011Watkins, ChristopherFrench and Global StudiesFulbright English Teaching Assistant Grant (Morocco), Alternate
2011Yarborough, KimberlyInternational Relations and SpanishFulbright English Teaching Assistant Grant (Spain)
2010Gray, JasmineJournalismUSA Today Top Academic Team
2010Gray, JasmineJournalismOmicron Delta Kappa Foundation Scholarship
2010 Holmes, Merranda Biology Omicron Delta Kappa Foundation Scholarship 
2010Holmes, MerrandaBiologyPhi Kappa Phi Fellowship
2010Howell, KaitlenGerman and BiologyFulbright English Teaching Assistant Grant (Germany)
2010Little, EricHistory and SpanishFulbright English Teaching Assistant Grant (Portugal)
2010Mackie, AdrianInternational Relations and AnthropologyCritical Language Scholarship (CLS), Arabic
2010Murphy, ShannonBiologyUSA Today Honorable Mention
2010Murphy, ShannonBiologyOmicron Delta Kappa Foundation Scholarship
2010Shew, AaronInternational Relations and Global StudiesCritical Language Scholarship (CLS), Urdu
2010Yacovone, AnnaGlobal Studies and Organizational CommunicationBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (Thailand)
2009Barnes, TaylorPhysics and ChemistryPhi Kappa Phi Fellowship
2009Barnes, TaylorPhysics and ChemistryNational Defense Science and Engineering
2009Emerson, AdamPsychology and International RelationsPhi Kappa Phi Emerging Scholar
2009Rigsby, LaurenPhysics and BiologyPhi Kappa Phi Emerging Scholar
2009Shew, AaronInternational Relations and Global StudiesCritical Language Scholarship (CLS), Urdu
2008Armstrong, BrandonGermanFulbright English Teaching Assistant Grant (Germany)
2008Barnes, TaylorPhysics and ChemistryUSA Today 3rd Academic Team
2008Jenkins, Gretchen Political Science Phi Kappa Phi Fellowship
2008Murphy, ShannonBiologyGoldwater Scholarship, Honorable Mention
2006Crytzer, KatiePolitical Science (pre-law)Phi Kappa Phi Fellowship
2006Jenkins, GretchenPolitical Science (pre-law)Phi Kappa Phi Award of Excellence
2007Barnes, TaylorPhysics / ChemistryGoldwater Scholarship
2007Bullington, MatthewEconomicsPhi Kappa Phi Fellowship
2004Walker, AndreaPolitical Science (pre-law)Phi Kappa Phi Fellowship
2003Freundt, EricBiologyPhi Kappa Phi Fellowship
2002Vile, VirginiaPolitical Science (pre-law)Phi Kappa Phi Fellowship
2001Chance, BrianPhilosophy and GermanFulbright English Teaching Assistant Grant (Germany)
2001Woodward, NataliePolitical Science (pre-law)Phi Kappa Phi Award of Excellence
1999Durham, RyanMass Comm/Radio and TVPhi Kappa Phi Fellowship

Contact Us

Honors College
Paul W. Martin Sr. Honors Building
Campus Box 267
1737 Blue Raider Drive
Murfreesboro, TN 37132

Main Office: HONR Room 205 (Dean’s Suite)

Main Office Phone: 615-898-2152