MTSU Charlie and Hazel Daniels Veterans and Military Family Center
Nunley Award
Edward C. Huffman

- enlisted and was stationed at Buckingham Field in Fort Myers, Florida, during World War II
Born in Shelbyville, October 19, 1917, “Mr. Eddie” attended the Tate School in Shelbyville until his sophomore year. He then transferred to the Darlington Preparatory School in Rome, Georgia on a tennis scholarship where he graduated before entering the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. At UNC, he was an active member of Phi Delta Theta fraternity until his graduation in 1939. After graduating with a major in banking and finance, he began his career at the First National Bank in Shelbyville. It was the only employer he would ever have. The bank was started as the Citizens Bank in 1907 by a group of businessmen that included his father, but grew to become a leader of community banks under his direction. Regarded by many as the “dean of banking” in Tennessee circles, he served two terms on the Atlanta branch of the Federal Reserve. As President and Chairman of the Board, the First National Bank became one of the top performing banks in Tennessee.
He always believed the bank’s first responsibility was to serve the citizenry of Bedford County. He modeled that priority not only professionally, but personally as well. He served his community throughout his lifetime through organizations as the Jaycees, the Lions Club, Big Brothers, the First Christian Church, and others. He was continually involved with the Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration, serving many years on its board. Because of the large number of Bedford County students attending Middle Tennessee State University, he also felt a sense of responsibility to support MTSU. He served on its Board of Trustees for many years, in numerous positions, including Chairman.