Middle Tennessee Administrative Professionals
Middle Tennessee Administrative Professionals Scholarships

Each year MTAP awards scholarships to deserving students who are enrolled at MTSU. Funds for the scholarship are raised through special fund-raising projects and individual contributions.
CAP Scholarship Guidelines and Application
- You must be an MTAP member for one year to apply for this scholarship.
- The Middle Tennessee Administrative Professionals at Middle Tennessee State University is committed to provide and encourage staff development opportunities to administrative professionals across campus. To assist with this endeavor, MTAP is offering two scholarships per year, based on funding, to support members with the cost of taking the Certified Administrative Professional exam or Recertification fee. Refer to IAAP’s website http://www.iaap-hq.org for testing requirements, application deadlines, testing locations and dates.
- The amount funded during the spring and fall semesters will be a one-year membership to IAAP and the cost of the exam at the IAAP member rate.
- You may also apply for a scholarship to pay the fees for your CAP Recertification.
- CAP Scholarship Application Deadline for the Spring CAP Exam/Recertification is January 5th.
- CAP Scholarship Application Deadline for the Fall CAP Exam/Recertification is July 5th.
- Send completed application to Scholarship Committee Chair, Attn: Sandra Campbell, Box WH 18.
Bonnie McHenry / MTAP Scholarship Application
- This scholarship is for full or part-time MTSU Classified Employees with 1 year or more of service.
- Dependents of MTSU Classified Employees are also eligible if they are at least a sophomore (with 30 hours credit) and in good standing.
- Applicant must be employed at the time classes begin and are encouraged to avail themselves of the free class offered through HRS before applying for this scholarship.
- Scholarship may be awarded for graduate or undergraduate tuition or assistance with course materials (i.e., books, labs, and such).
- This scholarship is offered for the Fall and Spring semesters and the award is placed in the student’s account for use only if enrolled at MTSU.
- All applicants must have successfully completed previous courses funded by the Bonnie McHenry award in order to re-apply.
- Selected by the MTAP Scholarship Committee.
- Deadline for Fall applications is June 1st and the deadline for Spring applications is November 1st.
- Send completed application to Scholarship Committee, Attn: Sandra Campbell, Box WH 18.