Grant Goals & Outcomes

Goal 1: Faculty Awareness

Faculty awareness of OER is a precondition for increased OER use. Increased faculty awareness will produce: 

  • a deeper understanding of how OER can address the challenges that face underrepresented students
  • a broader awareness of OER across the institution and community
  • a recognition that equity in OER requires the engagement of underrepresented faculty 

Goal 2: Faculty Adoption, Adaptation, and Creation of OER

Increased faculty adoption, adaptation, and creation of OER will result in: 

  • a more equitable and inclusive educational environment at MTSU
  • engagement of underrepresented faculty and students to vet, adapt, and produce OER

Goal 3: Student Success

Increased use of OER will increase the academic success of underrepresented students, who will:

  • spend less money on textbooks and required course materials 
  • have first-day access to course materials 
  • experience increased course completion, persistence, and course grades
  • perform better in gateway courses and those with high D-F-W rates

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