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University Policies

321  Educational Adjustment for Pregnant and Parenting Students

Approved by President
Effective Date: November 13, 2023
Responsible Division: Academic Affairs
Responsible Office:  MT One Stop
Responsible Officer:  Director, MT One Stop

I. Purpose

In furtherance of its mission to provide a student-centered learning environment, Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU or University) desires to provide a procedure for pregnant and parenting students to request and obtain adjustments that will support them in continuing their studies at MTSU. As a result, MTSU will endeavor to provide appropriate reasonable adjustments to its educational programs and activities (Educational Adjustment) for students who are unable to meet the requirements of their educational programs or activities as a result of pregnancy, complications from pregnancy, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, childbirth, and recovery from any one of these conditions (Qualifying Condition).

II. Scope

This policy applies to all students enrolled at MTSU and includes both graduate and undergraduate students.

III. Requests for Educational Adjustment

Students needing educational adjustment as a result of a qualifying condition should submit a written request to the following responsible department. In the event that the student is unable to submit a request to the responsible department because of the qualifying condition, an appropriate representative of the student may contact the department on the student’s behalf and the student will submit the written request when able to do so.

Type of StudentResponsible DepartmentPhone Number
Undergraduate StudentsMT One Stop                         (615) 898-2111
Graduate StudentsCollege of Graduate Studies          (615) 898-2840
International StudentsOffice of International Affairs(615)904-8190

The responsible department will consult with the student/representative and appropriate University officials, including faculty members, to fashion the educational adjustment that is appropriate for the student. In the event the responsible department receives a request for adjustment that might be covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act, the request should be promptly forwarded to the Disability and Access Center.

IV. Leave

As a form of educational adjustment, students with a qualifying condition may be granted an appropriate length of medically necessary leave for up to one hundred eighty (180) days. A student may be granted additional leave in the event of extraordinary medical circumstances. During the period of leave, deadlines concerning course assignments, examinations, and other academic requirements will be postponed. Upon the completion of the leave, the student will be allowed to return to the same academic and extracurricular status as before the leave began.

If the student does not request the full semester for leave, the student must arrange, with the assistance of the responsible department, for completion of assignments with her faculty members and/or Department chairs. If the student requests leave past the end of term, a grade of Incomplete will be assigned and the student will work with faculty members to complete assignments based on Incomplete requirements.

All students requesting leave will be required to provide medical documentation detailing the medical necessity of the adjustment or leave, the type of adjustment needed, and the anticipated duration.

Graduate students who obtain leave will also be granted an extension for any research or qualifying exams, and the time that the student is on leave under this policy will not be counted toward the time limit for degree completion. Graduate research advisors may extend any deadlines beyond the medical leave period at their discretion.

Students holding graduate assistantships and on leave as a result of a qualifying condition will be excused from their duties during the leave period. Graduate assistants will continue to receive their stipend for the first six weeks after they initiate their leave, after which the leave will be unpaid.Upon return from qualifying leave, graduate assistants who are in good standing will return to their assistantship at no less than their rate of pay at the time that the leave began.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING FINANCIAL AID: A student’s leave under this policy may have serious consequences on the student’s financial aid status. As a result, any student receiving any form of financial aid must schedule a consultation with the MT One Stop to discuss the consequences of the requested leave. Further, upon receiving a written request for leave under this policy, the responsible department shall immediately forward that request to the MT One Stop.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING IMMIGRATION STATUS: International students MUST contact the Office of International Affairs regarding their visa status.

V. Other Resources

In addition to the adjustments noted above, please refer to Resources Available to Pregnant and Parenting Students.

Forms: none.

Revisions: June 5, 2017; November 13, 2023

Last Reviewed: November 2023.

References: none.