Receiving and Moving Services
Freight Receiving
Freight will be received at 1672 Greenland Drive in accordance with state and university regulations.
Once freight is received at the dock, 1672 Greenland Drive, we will notify the department and make delivery arrangements. When placing an order please make sure a space is available for the shipment when it arrives. We do not have room to store freight on a long term basis.
Please be sure to address items properly when ordering items that will be sent to the university via freight lines.
- Name
- Department
- MTSU Box #: (4 digits)
- Office Phone Number
- Building Name
Any freight not containing some means of identification will be refused by Receiving Department personnel.
We do not receive UPS Ground, Federal Express Ground, or DHL packages. Questions concerning items shipped through that means should be directed to Distribution Services at x8200 or x8201.
We do not accept contractor shipments. Any shipment involving a contractor should be directed to the construction site.