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Student Technology Access Fees

Purchase Process

The following list should be helpful in the purchase process for projects funded by Technology Access Fees. Please remember to coordinate with Maria Knox all purchases whether by requisition or email. This includes any upgrades, change orders, or cancellations to all purchase requests.


General Information

  1. Requisitions must be submitted electronically through MT $ource for all purchases. Purchases from the Phillips Bookstore and from ITD must be first approved by sending an email to Maria Knox at [email protected].  P-Cards are not allowed for TAF purchases.
  2. Please note projects are approved by project line items, not by dollars. If the item was not listed specifically in the proposal, you are not authorized to purchase the item. The only modifications permitted to the proposal(s) must involve an upgrade in computer technology or a substitution due to obsolescence. Examples of possible upgrades include change from Windows 2003 to Windows XP, change in computer speed to a higher MHz, or increase in RAM capacity.
  3. All TAF funds must be spent in the year collected, MTSU approves more projects than there is funding. As a result, projects receive funding on a first requested, first funded basis. Because projects are not allocated dollars, any savings through the purchase process are collected in the overall TAF accounts and used to balance the TAF accounts at the end of the year. Additionally, purchases requested past December will not receive funding if the TAF funds have been exhausted.
  4. Remember all TAF equipment must be accessible to students. Items may not be installed or located in a faculty office.

Purchases for all items – Requisition required through MT $ource.

  1. Submit a requisition through MT $ource. The account number is located on the TAF proposal website next to the first line item. Change the cart name in MT $ource to the TAF number. Include the TAF proposal number from the web as an internal note and relate the items requested on the requisition to the items listed on the proposal. Include any bid requirements as an external attachment. Any email associated with the request, should be included as an internal attachment.
  2. The requisition will be processed and approved through MT $ource.
  3. When the item purchased is received, make notations in MT $ource as received. This will notify Accounts Payable to process once the settlement status is marked as fully received.
  4. Change orders must be approved by Maria Knox. Send an email to Maria ( [email protected]) requesting the increase to the purchase order and the reason for the increase. She will forward your request to Purchasing.

Purchases from ITD or Phillips Bookstore

  1. Send an email to Maria ( [email protected]) requesting approval to purchase item from ITD or Phillips Bookstore. She will provide the account number and reference number to be used in the purchase.
  2. Purchase the items. Send the Phillips Bookstore receipt, copy of the approving email and any other documentation of the purchase to Maria at CAB 110.
  3. Submit the Software Order Form to ITD. Add the TAF proposal number after your display name.

Student Help

(Paperwork can be initiated early for a July 1 start date.)

  1. All student help employed in the four TAF funded computer labs, the ITD Help Desk, or ITD Classroom Support must be registered in the Student Technology Assistance Program. Emily Harper in ITD is the contact person. She determines the rate of pay for student help based on STA level. GA wages are determined by the Graduate Office.
  2. Complete a TAF EPAF form for Graduate Assistant help. The EPAF flows through the HR system obtaining all necessary approvals.  Graduate Assistants are approved by the College of Graduate Studies and must follow their requirements.
  3. Complete a TAF EPAF for student help. The EPAF flows through the HR system obtaining all necessary approvals.  Students must be enrolled full time every semester they are employed and a minimum of either 3 hours during the summer or full time the spring before and fall after that summer.  Students may not work over 28 hours per week and can not hold another position on campus.

Construction for a TAF Project

Construction schedules are coordinated through David Edgar and Maria Knox. Facilities Services and Maria will tentatively scheduled all projects requiring assistance from Facilities Services. Do not contact Facilities Services directly to schedule a TAF project.  If you have questions regarding an approved TAF project, contact Maria Knox ([email protected]) for an update.

Category Zero – Scheduled Replacement

To replace instructional computers (office computers and printers are excluded) that are older, send an email to Maria with the tag numbers. She forwards the request to ITD. ITD will investigate the use and location, and make a recommendation to the Instructional Technology Committee. ITD determines the standard configuration computer based on the software that will run on the computer. If you need more technology than the standard configuration determined by ITD, there are three ways to pursue the additional funding: departments may 1) subsidize the cost beyond the standard configuration, 2) submit a proposal through another TAF category, or 3) submit a request for an exception to the standard to the ITC. Please note the Instructional Technology Committee has not yet granted an exception.  Printers in instructional spaces are now on the Print Managment system.  Submit an ITD work order if a printer in an instructional space malfunctions.