University Writing Center
Recommending the Writing Center
Thanks for making the Writing Center a part of your courses! Below are some ideas for recommending the Writing Center to your students.
Offering Extra Credit or Requiring Proof of Attendance
The UWC suggests building in points for using the Writing Center. This often works better than requiring students to attend, especially since the UWC has limited hours and certain times of the semester can be busy.
All writers who have attended a UWC session will receive a client report form via email following the end of their session. This report form can be forwarded to you or printed for you as needed. Writing consultants cannot provide signatures as proof of attendance.
In addition to asking for a report form, you may want your students to write about their visit. We suggest offering credit based on students’ reflections on the learning experience rather than solely on attendance. For example, you may want to ask students to submit a writing or revision plan based on what they learned/discussed during the UWC session. Here is an example extra credit assignment:
- To earn up to [ ] extra points on this assignment, visit the MTSU Writing Center (LIB 362) to work on some aspect of this essay. After your session, forward the session report form to me and write a brief description of your visit. Be sure to include 1) what goals you had in mind before the session, 2) what you did during the session (i.e. were your goals met? How so, or what did you work on instead?), and 3) what your plans are to improve your writing after the session.
Encouraging your students to visit the UWC
Use our sample statement and tailor it to the needs of students in the course(s) you are teaching:
- The Margaret H. Ordoubadian University Writing Center is located in LIB 362 and online at Here, students can receive valuable (and FREE!) one-to-one assistance on writing projects for any course. Conferences are available by appointment (615-904-8237). Visit early and often!
Below are some other suggestions for making the UWC a part of your course:
- Present the UWC as a place for ALL writers, regardless of level or writing experience.
- Suggest that students come early and often! We help at all stages of the writing process. We recommend that students come to the UWC for at least two visits for each writing assignment. Multiple visits allow students to address a variety of concerns, such as content, organization, and grammar.
- Assist students in being prepared for their sessions and in having realistic expectations. Students with assignment sheets in hand are more likely to have productive sessions that help them to meet their needs as writers. Additionally, tell students that we provide a peer-audience for writers. Rather than being seen as a “fix-it shop,” the UWC prides itself on training consultants to give thoughtful, knowledgeable feedback throughout the writing process in order to help students grow skills and become more confident, independent writers.
- Encourage online and nontraditional students to attend online sessions if they cannot come to campus.
- Include a statement in your syllabus that addresses the importance of written communication in your course and/or career field.
- Encourage students who are working on long-term projects or specific writing goals to set up a Writing Partnership. Writing Partnerships allow students to work once a week at the same day and time with the same writing consultant. Find more information about Writing Partnerships here.
- Request a UWC class visit early in the semester or at the beginning of a major writing assignment. Sometimes seeing a friendly face makes the difference in getting students to seek help. Request a class visit here.
- Encourage students to join a UWC Writing Group. See our Writing Groups page for more information!
Office Phone
(615) 904-8237
Walker Library, Room 362
The Writing Center
Box 70
Middle Tennessee State University
Murfreesboro, TN 37132
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