The Stock Market Game in Tennessee

The Stock Market Game is a comprehensive, engaging, real world program that advances student academic achievement in the core disciplines and enhances understanding of investment concepts among learners of all ages.

Stock Market Game Program



PowerPoint Slides
Many thanks to Karla Helgans for this great PowerPoint!

Innovative Educational Experience

  • Strengthens students' critical thinking skills
  • Engages students and increases academic motivation
  • Increases students' ability to apply basic skills to life decisions
  • Builds confidence and self-esteem through a challenging classroom competition

Proven Classroom Success

  • Helps teach basic academic skills, such as mathematics, language arts and social studies,in exciting ways
    Provides classroom tools to teach to the standards of learning
    Curriculum customized to grade level
    Instills an understanding of the fundamentals of saving and investing

Extensive Teacher Support

  • Helpful on-line training and tutorial
  • Easy access to a wealth of on-line teacher resources and curriculum
  • Rapid response on-line Help Desk
  • Customized to increase understanding of good investment principals
  • Flexibility allows for use without advanced classroom technology

Superior Technology Tools

  • True portfolio trading system support
  • Powerful research capabilities
  • Sophisticated data feeds provide real-time market conditions
  • Continuous upgrading of trading features based on user feedback

Endorsed by Industry Leaders

  • Strong funding support by more than 600 securities firms each year; no commercial advertising
  • Only simulation program endorsed by the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq Stock Market
  • Established partnerships with recognized, accredited education organizations such as National Academy Foundation, DECA, and Future Business Leaders of America
  • Grassroots delivery by councils and centers for economic education, "Newspaper in Education"; programs, and other education organizations and institutions in all 50 states

Time-Tested for Success

  • Focused solely on education for more than 30 years
  • More than 10 million students reached since 1977
  • Program development continuously driven by classroom experience and teacher feedback
  • Visit The Stock Market Game™ Program at