Information For Parents
Information included in the Parent Section of this web site is intended to inform parents about dyslexia and issues related to supporting children with dyslexia at home and at school.
How do I know if my child has Dyslexia?
How can I have my child assessed for Dyslexia?
General Information
Basic information about characteristics of children with dyslexia and other information.
Spelling Study Tips
Tips to help your child learn spelling words, to add words to the student's permanent
memory and to apply spelling pattern to their words with the same pattern.
Success with Dyslexia
Persons with Dyslexia can become successful! Here are a few famous persons with dyslexia.
Computer Software and Other Assistive Technology
Helpful software to aid your child.
Reading Tips to Help Your Child
Helpful information and tips to help your child to read.
References for Further Reading
Books and articles concerning dyslexia and parents.
2024-25 Dyslexia Success Series
"Serving Middle and High School Students with Dyslexia in the Special Education Setting"
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Expert Minutes
What is Developmental Language Disorder? with Dr. Tiffany Hogan
Supporting Students Who Speak Language Varieties with Dr. Julie Washington
English Learners and Phonological Awareness with Dr. Elsa Cárdenas-Hagan
Dyslexia, DLD, and the Simple View of Reading with Dr. Julie Wolter