Dr. Brandon Grubbs
Associate Professor, Exercise Physiology

Fall 2024: M (12:30-2:30 PM); Tu/Th (9:00-11:00 AM);
Departments / Programs
Degree Information
- PHD, Florida State University (2017)
- MA, Southeastern Louisiana University (2012)
- BS, Florida State University (2008)
Areas of Expertise
Aging, older adults, frailty syndrome, functional performance, muscular power, quality of life, chronic illness
Peer-reviewed Publications
Coons, J., Grubbs, B., Vaughn, B., Conners, R., Stevens, S. (2023). An Exploratory Study of the Effects of Aquatic Walking on Function and Muscle Activity in Knee Osteoarthritis: Part 2. International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education. 14(1), 5.
Coons, J., Grubbs, B., Vaughn, B., Conners, R., Stevens, S. (2023). An exploratory study of...
Read More »Peer-reviewed Publications
Coons, J., Grubbs, B., Vaughn, B., Conners, R., Stevens, S. (2023). An Exploratory Study of the Effects of Aquatic Walking on Function and Muscle Activity in Knee Osteoarthritis: Part 2. International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education. 14(1), 5.
Coons, J., Grubbs, B., Vaughn, B., Conners, R., Stevens, S. (2023). An exploratory study of aquatic walking on symptoms and functional limitations in persons with knee osteoarthritis: Part 1. International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education. 14(1), 4.
Grubbs, B., Johnson, S., Bowman, A., Alasmar, R., Barry, V. (2022). Sit-to-stand power is associated with functional fitness and predicts frailty status in community-dwelling older adults. Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy. Under Review.
Theiss, C., Coons, J. Grubbs, B., Bowman, A., Barry, V. (2023). The predictive validity of certain biochemical biomarkers on physical activity intensity counts in patients with knee OA: Using data from the osteoarthritis initiative (OAI). Journal of Aging and Physical Activity. Under review.
Mehls, K., Grubbs, B., Stevens, S., Jin, Y., Coons, J. (2021). Correcting movement syndromes: the role of training load and its effects on muscle activity. Sport Sciences for Health. In press.
Mehls, K., Grubbs, B., Stevens, S., Jin, Y., Coons, J. (2021). Power production and development in youth athletes: the effects of training load. Journal of Athletic Enhancement. In press.
Wong, A., Jaime, S. J., Grubbs, B., Panton, L. B., Fischer, S. M., & Figueroa, A. (2020). Attenuated aortic blood pressure responses to metaboreflex activation in older adults with dynapenia. Experimental Gerontology.
Grubbs, B., Figueroa, A., Kim, J. S., Contreras, R. J., Schmitt, K., & Panton, L. B. (2020). Whole-body vibration training in frail, skilled nursing home residents. International Journal of Exercise Science, 13(3), 140.
Mehls, K., Grubbs, B., Jin, Y., & Coons, J. (2020). Electromyography comparison of sex differences during the back squat. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research.
Bagheri, R., Rashidlamir, A., Ashtary-Larky, D., Wong, A., Grubbs, B., Motevalli, M. S., ... & Zouhal, H. (2020). Effects of green tea extract supplementation and endurance training on irisin, pro-inflammatory cytokines, and adiponectin concentrations in overweight middle-aged men. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 1-9.
Grubbs, B., Artese, A., Schmitt, K., Cormier, E., & Panton, L. (2016). A pilot study to assess the feasibility of group exercise and animal-assisted therapy in older adults. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 24(2), 322-331.
Theiss, C, Grubbs, B, Coons, J. (2022). The effects of aquatic walking on symptoms, functional limitations, and muscle activity in knee osteoarthritis. Poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting & World Congress, San Diego, CA (National).*ACSM featured abstract.
Grubbs, B, Johnson, S, Caputo, J, Bowman, A, Alasmar, R, Barry, V. (2022). Sit-to-stand power predicts frailty status in free-living older adults. Poster...
Read More »Theiss, C, Grubbs, B, Coons, J. (2022). The effects of aquatic walking on symptoms, functional limitations, and muscle activity in knee osteoarthritis. Poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting & World Congress, San Diego, CA (National).*ACSM featured abstract.
Grubbs, B, Johnson, S, Caputo, J, Bowman, A, Alasmar, R, Barry, V. (2022). Sit-to-stand power predicts frailty status in free-living older adults. Poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting & World Congress, San Diego, CA (National).
Alasmar, R, Barry, V, Johnson, S, Caputo, J, Grubbs, B. (2020). Sit to stand power, functional performance, and physical activity in older adults. Oral presentation at Southeast Regional American College of Sports Medicine, American College of Sports Medicine, Jacksonville, FL (Regional).
Martinez, S, Grubbs, B, Barry, V. (2020) Is Self-reported physical activity intensity associated with sit to stand muscular power in young adults? Poster presentation at Southeast Regional American College of Sports Medicine, American College of Sports Medicine, Jacksonville, FL (Regional).
Figueroa, A, Wong, A, Grubbs, B, Panton, L, Fischer, S & Jaime, S. (2018). Aortic blood pressure responses to metaboreflex activation are attenuated in older adults with dynapenia. International Conference on Frailty and Sarcopenia Research, Miami Beach, FL (International).
Grubbs, B, Figueroa, A, Kim, J-S, Panton, L.B. (2018) Effects of whole-body vibration training on strength, body composition, and function in skilled nursing home residents. Poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine, American College of Sports Medicine, Minneapolis, MN (National).
Influential MTSU Faculty Award (2020, 2021)
Research / Scholarly Activity
Active Research
A Cross-sectional Analysis of Sit to Stand Power and Functional Performance in Older Adults: Protocol ID 21-2171 4i (19-2013). PI: Brandon Grubbs. Co-investigators: Vaughn Barry, PhD, Angie Bowman, PhD, Millard Collins, MD.
Grants Awarded
MTSU FRCAC $5000 (FA 18)
Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, $60,000 (FA 20-24)
Not Awarded
A Gait to More Independence, Tennessee Civil Monetary Penalty Reinvestment Program, Tennessee State Department of Health, $338,862 (FA 19)
In the Media
Special Projects
Advanced Principles of Exercise Prescription & Assessment (EXSC6840)
Resources for Professional Practice in Exercise Science (EXSC3000)
Exercise Physiology (EXSC3830)
Research in Exercise Science I (EXSC4000)
Research in Exercise Science II (EXSC4010)
Exercise Science Internship (EXSC4250)
Exercise Science Graduate Internship (EXSC6880)