Dr. Janet K. McCormick
Professor, Director of the Master of Arts In Liberal Arts Program

Departments / Programs
Degree Information
- PHD, Southern Illinois University (1995)
- MA, Eastern Illinois University (1988)
- BA, Eastern Illinois University (1987)
Areas of Expertise
- Listening
- Organizational Communication Auditing and Consulting
- Small Group Problem Solving and Teamwork
- Intercultural Communication in International Organizations
- Interviewing and Negotiating
- Training and Development
- Women, Leadership and Communication
- Applied Leadership
- Strategic Communication in Organizations
- Communication Education
- Experiential Teaching and Learning (EXL)
- Distance Teaching and Learning (online)
- High Impact Teaching Strategies (HIPs)
Dr. McCormick grew up in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania and attended Penn State University for two years before transferring to Eastern Illinois University to complete her BA and MA in Communication. She remained at Eastern Illinois University for another three years as an instructor before moving on to Southern Illinois University at Carbondale to pursue her Ph.D. in Communication. She then taught at Spalding University in Louisville, Kentucky for three years before spending seve...
Read More »Dr. McCormick grew up in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania and attended Penn State University for two years before transferring to Eastern Illinois University to complete her BA and MA in Communication. She remained at Eastern Illinois University for another three years as an instructor before moving on to Southern Illinois University at Carbondale to pursue her Ph.D. in Communication. She then taught at Spalding University in Louisville, Kentucky for three years before spending seven years living and teaching abroad in London, Buenos Aires, and Singapore. She joined MTSU in 2002 as an Intercultural Specialist with a strong interest in growing what was at the time our "new" program in Organizational Communication (ORCO).
During her 35+ year global teaching career, Dr. McCormick has served as the primary instructor of 42 different Communication courses in on-ground, online, accelerated and weekend formats at the graduate and undergraduate levels demonstrating her versatility and expertise. Her approach has been to creatively and enthusiastically incorporate theory, skills, application, and reflection opportunities into each section ensuring a quality course that diverse students will enjoy! Since 2019, she has been serving as Director of the Master of Arts in Liberal Arts (MALA) program.
Rost, J.K., McCormick, J.K. & Swayze, A.C. (2023). Increased Graduation Rates in Students who take One or More Experiential Learning Classes in their Undergraduate Program of Study. Experiential Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (in press).
Strawser, M. G., McCormick, J. K., & Bista, K. (2018). International Organizational Culture: Expanding an Intercultural Understanding of the Global Workplace. In J. Wenshan (ed.), Intercul...
Read More »Rost, J.K., McCormick, J.K. & Swayze, A.C. (2023). Increased Graduation Rates in Students who take One or More Experiential Learning Classes in their Undergraduate Program of Study. Experiential Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (in press).
Strawser, M. G., McCormick, J. K., & Bista, K. (2018). International Organizational Culture: Expanding an Intercultural Understanding of the Global Workplace. In J. Wenshan (ed.), Intercultural communication: Adapting to emerging global realities: A reader (2nd Ed.). San Diego, CA: Congella.
Strawser, M.G & McCormick, J. K. (2016). Adapting the Basic Communication Course for a Globally and Technologically Mediated 21st Century Context. National Communication Association Basic Communication Course Annual. Vol. 29, No 9.
Strawser, M.G. & McCormick, J. K. (2016). Developing a Global Skill Set: A Framework for Globalized Communication Pedagogy, Kentucky Journal of Communication. Vol. 35, No 1, pp. 52-67.
Global Communication Certification Council (2015), Communication Professional Certification Candidate Handbook, San Diego, CA.
Raffo, D. M. & McCormick, J. (2007). “Developing and implementing an interdisciplinary leadership studies minor,” Powerful Practices: ACPA College Students International Commission for Student Involvement (4th Ed).
McCormick, J.K., TN Service Learning Consortium, "Utilizing High-Impact EXL Strategies Through Service-Learning". sponsored by TBR, Nashville, TN. (November 2, 2023).
McCormick, J. K., IUPUI 2023 Assessment Institute, "HIPs: the Building Blocks of Successful Programming," IUPUI, Marriot Downtown Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN, United States of America. (October 2023).
McCormick, J. “Using our Undergraduate and Graduate ...
McCormick, J.K., TN Service Learning Consortium, "Utilizing High-Impact EXL Strategies Through Service-Learning". sponsored by TBR, Nashville, TN. (November 2, 2023).
McCormick, J. K., IUPUI 2023 Assessment Institute, "HIPs: the Building Blocks of Successful Programming," IUPUI, Marriot Downtown Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN, United States of America. (October 2023).
McCormick, J. “Using our Undergraduate and Graduate Communication Courses to Build Strong Community Partnerships”. Tennessee Communication Association / Kentucky Communication Association Joint Conference, Tennessee Technical College, TN (September 2023).
McCormick, J., (and additional MALA faculty/students TBD). “Communicating Themes in the College of Liberal Arts”. Tennessee Communication Association / Kentucky Communication Association Joint Conference, Tennessee Technical College, TN (September 2023).
McCormick, J. K., EXL Institute, "EXL Opportunities in the Master of Arts in Liberal Arts Program”, MTSU, MTSU. (June 21, 2023).
McCormick, J. K., EXL Institute, "Hosting a Non-profit Conference", MTSU, MTSU. (June 21, 2023).
McCormick, J. K., The National Youth Leadership Council, in partnership with Volunteer, Tennessee the Tennessee Afterschool Network, and United Way Tennessee are honored to host the Annual National Service-Learning Conference, now in its 34th year. Join us April 2-5, 2023 in Nashville, Tennessee for learning, inspiration and connection! "Six Types of Service Learning: Incorporating Service Learning Goals Into a Variety of Course Types," National Service-Learning Conference, Franklin Marriot Cool Springs, Nashville, TN, United States of America. (April 4, 2023).
McCormick, J. K., EXL Institute, "Incorporating Experiential Learning into Your Teaching," MTSU, MTSU. (February 22, 2023).
McCormick, J. K., EXL Institute, "EXL and International Audiences," MTSU, virtual. (June 14, 2022).
McCormick, J. K., High Impact Teaching Practices in the States, "Equipping Students with Relevant Job Skills Through Experiential Learning Courses," IUPUI Assessment Institute, Indianapolis Marriot, Indianapolis, IN. (October 2022).
McCormick, J. K., TCA annual conference, "Workplace Readiness Skills for Organizational Success," Tennessee Communication Association, Volunteer State Community College. (September 17, 2022).
McCormick, J. K., International Listening Association annual conference, "Strange new listening Worlds: Teaching in Times of COVID," virtual. (June 2022).
McCormick, J. K., International Listening Association annual conference, "Listening in Context," ILA, virtual. (June 2022).
McCormick, J. K., all identities taking the next step, "Interviewing Strategies for Success!," LGBT+College Conference, MTSU Student Union. (April 9, 2022).
McCormick, J. K., Symposium on High Impact Educational Practices, "Creating Significant Capstone Learning Experiences," King Fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals, virtual. (February 16, 2022).
McCormick, J. K., HIPS in the States annual conference, "Re-thinking High Impact Practices During a Global Pandemic," IUPUI, virtual. (October 25, 2021).
McCormick, J. K., Tennessee Communication Association annual conference, "Adult Learners and the Multigenerational Workforce," Volunteer State Community College. (October 13, 2021).
McCormick, J. K., Tennessee Communication Association annual conference, "Master of Arts in Liberal Arts students discuss Communication," Volunteer State Community College. (September 2021).
McCormick, J. K., EXL Institute, "Adapting EXL projects during COVID," MTSU, virtual. (June 2021).
McCormick, J. K., International Listening Association annual conference, "Free Listening at MTSU," ILA, virtual. (May 1, 2021).
McCormick, J. K., Tennessee Communication Association annual conference, "University Crisis Communication – adjusting to COVID," MTSU, virtual. (March 26, 2021).
McCormick, J. (October, 2020). Using Technologies, Surveys and E-portfolios as High Impact Practices at the Program Level
HIPs in the States annual conference, IUPUI Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
McCormick, J. (September 2020). Using Reflection for Assessment, Program Excellence, and Student Success at MTSU
National Society for Experiential Education annual conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
McCormick, J. (April, 2020). Interviewing Strategies for Success!, LGBT+College annual conference: All Identities - Expanding Your Influence
James Union Building, Murfreesboro, TN.
McCormick, J. (March, 2020). Lean in and listen!, International Listening Association annual conference, Renaissance Hotel, Seattle, WA.
McCormick, J. (February, 2020). Creating HIPs that Have a Lasting Impact, HIPs in the States annual conference, Texas A & M, College Station, TX.
McCormick, J. (September, 2019). Powerful Pedagogy – Incorporating Experiential Learning in a Variety of Organizational Communication Contexts
Tennessee Communication Association / Kentucky Communication Association annual conference, Lake Barkley Conference Center, KY.
McCormick, J. (September, 2019). Utilizing High Impact EXL Strategies Through Applied Experiences and Service Learning
National Society for Experiential Education annual conference, Don CeSar Hotel, St. Petersburg, FL.
McCormick, J. (June, 2019). EXL Faculty Best Practices Session: Infusing Experiential Learning into Online Classes, MTSU 6th Regional EXL Institute, LT&ITC
McCormick, J. (March, 2019). Assessing Listening Skills in Organizational Life, International Listening Association annual conference, The Delta Hotel, Vancouver, Canada
McCormick, J. (March, 2019). Using Games to Improve Listening Skills, International Listening Association annual conference, The Delta Hotel, Vancouver, Canada
McCormick, J. (February, 2019). Scaling Up: Designing High Impact Experiential Learning Undergraduate to Graduate Level Courses and Programs
HIPs in the States annual conference, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY.
McCormick, J. (February, 2019). What makes a HIP a HIP - a Plenary Panel Discussion of HIP Quality, Fidelity and Innovation, HIPs in the States annual conference
Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY.
McCormick, J. (September, 2018). High Impact International Education Opportunities (Ireland, Egypt, London), Tennessee Communication Association annual conference
Nashville State CC, Nashville, TN.
McCormick, J. (September, 2018). Creating High Impact EXL Courses and Programs at the Graduate Level, NSEE Annual Conference, Hyatt Regiency Savannah GA, Savannah, GA.
McCormick, J. (June, 2018). High Impact Listening Education at MTSU. Presenter at the 39th annual International Listening Association conference in Dublin, Ireland.
McCormick, J. (April, 2018). The Importance of Interviewing Well. Presenter at the MTSU 2018 LGBT+College Conference (invited By Dr. Will Langston), Murfreesboro, TN.
McCormick, J., Swayze, C. & Blackmon, O. (February, 2018). Creating Significant Capstone Learning Experiences at MTSU. Panel presented at the High Impact Practices in the States conference, Dominguez Hills, CA.
McCormick, J. (November, 2017).The Basic Communication Course Annual Forum: Adapting the Basic Communication Course for a Globally and Technologically Mediated 21st-Century Context. Panel presenter with Herakova, L., Kaufmann, R., Frisby, B., Mazer, J., Soo-Kwang, O. & Valenzano, J. at the National Communication Association annual conference, Dallas, TX.
McCormick, J., Swayze, C. & Blackmon, O. (September, 2017). Creating Significant Capstone Learning Experiences at MTSU. Panel presented at the 46th Annual National Society for Experiential Education Conference, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
McCormick, J. & Nichols, T. (Fall 2017). Local and Global Connections: Service Learning and Communication in Organizations. Panel presented in collaboration with APSU faculty and students (3 from APSU and 4 from MTSU) at the Tennessee Communication Association annual conference, Gallatin, TN.
McCormick, J., Livingston, R., Lackey, A., Hoppe, B. & Stephens, L. (Fall 2017). Embracing Communication Training Opportunities. Panel presented in collaboration with faculty from Northeast State CC, Jackson State CC and MTSU at the Tennessee Communication Association annual conference, Gallatin, TN.
Strawser, M., McCormick, J. & Bista, K., (Fall 2017). Organizational Culture: Expanding an Intercultural Understanding of the Global Workplace. Paper presented for the Kentucky Communication Association annual conference, Carrolton, KY.
McCormick, J. (Spring 2017). Experiential Learning Best Practices in an Academic Program (ORCO). Volunteer TN/TNCampus Compact annual conference, Cool Springs Marriott (invited by Dr. Mani Hall).
McCormick, J. & Strawser, M. (Fall 2016). Developing a Global Skill Set: A Framework for Globalized Communication Pedagogy. Paper presented for the Kentucky Communication Association annual conference at WKU.
McCormick, J. & Swayze, C. (September, 2016) 45th NSEE Annual Conference. “EXL Scholars Program – Highlighting 10 Years of high Impact Practice at MTSU”. Paper presented for the National Society for Experiential Education annual conference, San Antonio, TX.
McCormick, J. & Strawser, M. (2016). Developing a Global Skill Set: A Framework for Globalized Communication Pedagogy. Paper presented for the Tennessee Communication Association annual conference, Dickson, TN.
McCormick, J. & Swayze, C. (October, 2015) 44th NSEE Annual Conference. Online Mythbusting - Presenters will promote the award winning Experiential Learning Scholar’s Program at MTSU by sharing an overview of program development, faculty involvement and student interest while highlighting the significance of online courses and E-portfolios as contributing factors to student engagement, retention and success. Paper presented at the annual National Society of Experiential Education conference, St. Petersburg, FL.
McCormick, J. (September, 2015). Global Communication Certification Council (GCCC) and the launch of the new Communication Management Professional (CMP) designation. Paper presented for the TCA/KCA joint conference Montgomery Bell State Park, Burns, TN.
McCormick, J. & Swayze, C. (October, 2014) 43rd NSEE Annual Conference. Make it BIG – Make a difference! EXL at MTSU. Paper presented for the National Society of Experiential Education, Baltimore, MD.
McCormick, J. (September, 2014). “Research and Pedagogical Strategies for Organizational Communication Classes” – NSEE EXL “Guiding Principles of Ethical Practices” and “Principles of Effective Practice”. Panel presenter at the TCA Annual Conference in Dickson, TN.
Swayze, C. & McCormick, J. (February, 2014) EXL Scholars Program: Enhancing Student Engagement and Success through Service Learning. Paper presented at the MTSU Best Practices for Student Success, Inclusion & Retention Summit. Murfreesboro, TN.
Asbury, M., McCormick, J. & Smith, S. (Fall 2013). The Value of Experiential Learning: Student Engagement and Community Involvement. Paper presented (by Asbury) at Southern States Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.
McCormick, J. (June, 2013), Conflict and Leadership/Communication Styles during Times of Organizational Change. Presenter at the BPW State Convention, Murfreesboro, TN.
McCormick, J. (April, 2013). Life After College – panel presenter - sponsored by the MTSU Alumni Office (invited by Ashley Alexander Kraft – Young Alumni Board).
McCormick, J. & Amy Hawtrey-Sipe and Allison Lorant (Fall, 2012). EXL Reception. Team presentation on the Impact of EXL in our programs and lives (invited by Carol Swayze).
McCormick, J. (Fall 2012). Presenter for MTSU Faculty in LT and ITC. EXL Celebration of Original QEP Program Creators (invited by Carol Swayze).
McCormick, J. & Smith, S. (2012). Student Centered Learning. Poster presented at MTSU Scholar’s Week.
McCormick, J. & Smith, S. (Spring 2012). Feasibility Study for Minor in ORCO. Poster presented for MTSU Scholar’s Week.
McCormick, J. (April, 2012). Equal Payday. Poster/flyers/giveaways presented for Business and Professional Women, Murfreesboro, TN.
McCormick, J. (October, 2011). Presenter on Women in Organizational Communication for WGST Research Series at MTSU (invited by Pat Bradley).
McCormick, J. & Smith, S. (September, 2011). Online Myth Busting. Paper Presented to the Tennessee Communication Association, Burns, TN.
McCormick, J. (Fall 2011). Small group problem solving. Paper presented for the Tennessee Communication Association, Burns, TN.
McCormick, J. (Fall 2011). Presenter - EXL Best Teaching Practice – 5th year celebration. MTSU.
McCormick, J. & Smith, S. (Fall 2011). Online Myth Busting. Poster presented at MTSU Scholar’s Week.
McCormick, J. (April, 2011). Equal Payday. Poster/flyers/giveaways presented for Business and Professional Women, Murfreesboro, TN.
McCormick, J. (October, 2010). Using “old school” games to foster EXL critical engagement. Poster presented for MTSU ShareFair. LT and ITC.
McCormick, J. (September, 2010). “Being/Staying Positive during Times of Organizational Change”. Panel participant and moderator. Presented with Sharon Smith MTSU, Len Assante Volunteer State CC, Jerald Ogg UT Martin, Connie Hudspeth Walters State CC, for the Tennessee Communication Association. Foundation House, Murfreesboro, TN.
McCormick, J. (Spring 2010). Effective Group Problem Solving. Presented as an MTSU Brown Bag Professional Development session.
McCormick, J. (April, 2010). Equal Payday. Poster/flyers/giveaways presented for Business and Professional Women, Murfreesboro, TN.
McCormick, J. (March, 2010). WGST Graduate Certificate Program. Poster presented at MTSU Scholar’s Week.
McCormick, J. (Spring 2010). Presenter – MTSU First Tuesday Session. “How to Implement EXL” (invited by Jill Austin).
McCormick, J. (September, 2009). Leadership Studies at MTSU. Paper presented to the Tennessee Communication Association, Murfreesboro, TN.
McCormick, J. (April, 2009). Equal Payday. Poster/flyers/giveaways presented for Business and Professional Women, Murfreesboro, TN.
McCormick, J. & Smith, S. (Spring 2009). Senior Capstone in Organizational Communication (EXL), poster presented at MTSU Scholar’s Week.
McCormick, J. & Smith, S. (Fall 2008). Using exit surveys to modify the ORCO program. Paper presented for the TCA/KCA joint conference Montgomery Bell State Park, Burns, TN.
McCormick, J. (Fall 2008). Presenter – BPW ID program - Southern Illinois College, Harrisburg, IL.
McCormick, J., Raffo, D. & Smith, S. (October, 2008). Experiential Learning in Organizational Communication and Leadership. Poster presented at MTSU ShareFair.
McCormick, J. (September, 2008). Building Community between Our Students and BPW (Business and Professional Women). Paper presented for TCA/KCA joint conference Montgomery Bell State Park, Burns, TN.
McCormick, J. (September, 2008). “Student Centered Ideas for Building Local Community”. Panel participant with Jeffrey Rinkel, Chattanooga State Technical Community College, Lou Davidson, Murray State University, Arthur Hunt UT Martin, Deana Raffo MTSU, Sharon Smith MTSU. TCA/KCA joint conference Montgomery Bell State Park, Burns, TN.
McCormick, J. (April, 2008). Equal Payday. Poster/flyers/giveaways presented for Business and Professional Women, Murfreesboro, TN.
McCormick, J. (April, 2008). Developing and Marketing your major as an EXL Program of Study, MTSU First Tuesday Session on EXL, panel presenter with Helen Binkley ATHT, John Maynor PS, Jill Austin (moderator) Mkt and Mgmt.
McCormick, J., Raffo, D. & Smith, S. (March, 2008). Experiential Learning in Organizational Communication and Leadership. Poster presented at MTSU Scholar’s Week.
McCormick, J. (September, 2007). “Experiential Learning as it Applies to Organizational Communication”, Panel participant with Deana Raffo, Lisa Moore, Lori Kissinger, & Eletra Gilchrist at the Tennessee Communication Association conference, Murfreesboro, TN.
McCormick, J. (September, 2007). “Interview Communication: EXL style”. Paper presented at the Tennessee Communication Association Conference, Foundation House, Murfreesboro, TN
McCormick, J. (April, 2007). Equal Payday. Poster/flyers/giveaways presented for Business and Professional Women, Murfreesboro, TN.
McCormick, J. (Fall 2006). Leadership in Groups: models, theories, problem solving, Presented at MTSU Leadership Conference.
McCormick, J. (October, 2006). Interviewing Skills for People with Disabilities. Presented for the Tennessee Arts Commission – VSA Arts Tennessee. Murfreesboro, TN.
McCormick J. (September, 2006). The Leadership Studies Minor at MTSU. ORCO panel presented with Walter Kirkpatrick (University of Memphis) and Yang Soo Kim (MTSU) for the Tennessee Communication Association, Murfreesboro, TN.
Raffo, D. & McCormick, J. (2006). Developing and Implementing an Interdisciplinary Studies Minor. Paper presented for the ACPA 82nd Annual National Convention. Indianapolis, IN.
McCormick, J., Smith, S. & Moore, L. (February, 2006). Experiential Learning in Communication Courses – Getting Students Out of the Classroom. Poster presented for MTSU College of Liberal Arts Instructional Innovations: A Showcase of Best Practices.
McCormick, J. (September, 2005). The Importance of Intercultural Communication in the HealthCare Setting. Paper presented to the Tennessee Communication Association, Murfreesboro, TN.
McCormick, J. (September, 2005). Meeting the Intercultural Training Needs of Women, Infants and Children (WIC). Panel participant with Sharon Smith, Greg Simerly, Yang Soo Kim, Lori Kissinger, Deborah Warner for the Tennessee Communication Association Conference. Volunteer State Community College, Gallatin, TN.
McCormick, J. & Kissinger, L. (September, 2005). Best Practices in Teaching Public Speaking, Curriculum and Instruction Interest area, paper presented for the Tennessee Communication Association, Murfreesboro, TN.
McCormick, J., Smith, S., Kim, Y.S., & Simerly, G. (September, 2005). Assessing the Need for Employee Communication Training. Panel Presentation to the Tennessee Communication Association, Murfreesboro, TN.
McCormick, J. & Smith, S. (2005). The Success of ORCO at MTSU – Poster presented for the MTSU College of Liberal Arts Showcase.
Raffo, D & McCormick, J. (2005). Developing and Implementing an Interdisciplinary Studies Minor. Paper submitted for the NASPA 88th Annual Conference. Washington, D.C.
McCormick, J. (2005). Intercultural Training in Health Care. Panel Chair - Paper presented to the Tennessee Communication Association. Gallatin, TN.
McCormick, J. (Fall 2005). Culture Shock: a Personal Reflection and Recommendations. Paper presented for Cultural Diversity panel. Columbia State Community College, Columbia, TN.
McCormick, J. (Fall 2005). GIFTS – Great Ideas for Teaching Speech – Games and Theory. Paper presented for the National Communication Association. Boston, MA.
McCormick, J. (November, 2004). Saying the Same Thing to Different People. Responding to non-verbal communication and understanding how demographics and psychological factors influence the way we communicate with others. The Tennessee Women, Infants and Children (WIC) 30th Anniversary Meeting, Nashville, TN (Invited by Jerry Orenstein, WIC administrator and Kathy Vaughn State of TN Department of Health WIC Program Coordinator (contacted in March 04)).
McCormick, J. (2004). Benchmark Survey of Peer Institutions Regarding COMM 2200 as a General Education Course presented to MTSU Department of Speech and Theatre.
McCormick, J. (September, 2004). Best Practices in Teaching Public Speaking, Tennessee Communication Association, Fall Creek Falls, Spencer, TN.
McCormick, J. (September, 2004). Intercultural Communication – the making of an online course, Tennessee Communication Association, Fall Creek Falls, Spencer, TN.
McCormick, J. (Fall 2003). The Cultural Components of ESL: A Look in the Mirror, Literacy Council of Southern Illinois and the Southern Illinois Professional Development Center, Belleville, IL.
McCormick, J. (April, 2003). The Cultural Component of Teaching ESL: A Look in the Mirror. Presented for Literacy Volunteers of America Spring Tutor Conference, Mt. Vernon, IL.
McCormick, J. & Hollingshead, R. (April, 2002). R/E/A/D/I/N/G between the Lines: Nonverbal
Communication. Presented for the Literacy Volunteers of America on the Road to Literacy Conference, Chicago, IL.
McCormick, J. & Hollingshead, R. (March, 2002). R/E/A/D/I/N/G between the lines: an intercultural perspective. Presented for the Literacy Volunteers of America Spring Tutor Conference, Rend Lake Resort Conference Center, Rend Lake, IL.
McCormick, J. and Hollingshead, R. (Spring 2002). Reading between the lines via nonverbal communication. Presenter for the Literacy Council of Southern Illinois and the Southern Illinois Professional Development Center Spring Tutor Conference, Rend Lake Resort Conference Center, Edwardsville, IL.
McCormick, J. (March, 1994). Women and Communication in the 90’s. Panel presentation for Women in Communication Inc. Louisville, KY.
McCormick, J. (November, 1993). Successful Interviewing. Presenter for Business and Professional Communicators, Louisville, KY.
McCormick, J. (December, 1993). The Effective Oral Presentation. Presenter for Business and Professional Women, Louisville, KY.
McCormick, J. (1993). Total Quality Management in the Speech Communication Classroom. Paper presented to the Central States Communication Association, Bloomington, IL.
McCormick, J. & Nichols, T. (Fall 2017). Local and Global Connections: Service Learning and Communication in Organizations. Panel presented in collaboration with APSU faculty and students (3 from APSU and 4 from MTSU – Lori Grimes, Stacy Brown, Wesley Smith, DeSean Keyes) at the Tennessee Communication Association annual conference, Gallatin, TN.
McCormick, J. & Tate, H. (April, 2017). Equal Payday. Poster presented for Business and Professional, Murfreesboro, TN in support of NWHM.
McCormick, J. (Spring 2017). Non-profit and Social Innovation Student Summit. Organized the internship FAIR portion of the summit with 10 ORCO student volunteers (40+ organizations represented).
McCormick, J. (Fall 2016). BPW ID communication training conducted with and for ORCO 4200 students (certificate program).
McCormick, J., Holladay, H. & Truitt, C. (June, 2016). Trainer – ORCO Best Practices – session presented at the Institute of EXL at MTSU (regional certificate program).
McCormick, J. (Spring 2016). Non-profit and Social Innovation Student Summit. Organized the internship FAIR portion of the summit with 9 ORCO student volunteers (40 organizations represented).
McCormick, J. & Fowler, D (April, 2016). Equal Payday. Poster presented for Business and Professional Women, Murfreesboro, TN in support of NWHM.
McCormick, J. (Fall 2015). BPW ID communication training conducted with and for ORCO 4200 students (certificate program).
McCormick, J. (Spring 2015). Non-profit and Social Innovation Student Summit. Organized the internship FAIR portion of the summit with 9 ORCO student volunteers (35 organizations represented).
McCormick, J. (Spring 2015). BPW ID communication training conducted with and for ORCO 4200 students (certificate program).
McCormick, J. & Garrett, A. (April, 2015). Equal Payday. Poster presented for Business and Professional Women, Murfreesboro, TN in support of NWHM.
McCormick, J. (Fall 2014). BPW ID communication training conducted with and for ORCO 4200 students (certificate program).
McCormick, J., Vega, M. & Driver, J. (April, 2014). Equal Payday. Poster presented for Business and Professional Women, Murfreesboro, TN in support of NWHM.
McCormick, J., Muskin, K., Smith, R., Roberson, E., Tracy, T & Wong, J. (March, 2014). ORCO Peer Mentoring Program. Poster presented for MTSU Scholar’s Week, Murfreesboro, TN.
McCormick, J., Muskin, K., Smith, R., Roberson, E., Tracy, T & Wong, J. (February, 2014). ORCO Peer Mentoring Program. Poster presented for the MTSU Best Practices for Student Success, Inclusion & Retention Summit, Murfreesboro, TN.
McCormick, J., DeRegis, T., Pleitez, D., Smalls, M. & Grimsley, B. (Spring 2014). I supervised and participated with this group in their efforts to create a documentary on promoting boys’ and girls’ healthy body image by educating on the negative impact of media on self-esteem in our youth. They have presented for Barbara Scales and the MT Psychology Association and plan to distribute their CD to the Boys and Girls Clubs of America.
McCormick, J. (Fall 2013). Hand selected 3 ORCO alumni Ashley Harrison, Andrea McElroy and Lindsey Rose to be the TCA annual conference planning committee with me.
McCormick, J. (Fall 2013). BPW ID communication training conducted with and for ORCO 4200 students (certificate program).
McCormick, J., Moore, C. & Adcock, M. (April, 2013). Equal Payday. Poster presented for Business and Professional, Murfreesboro, TN in support of NWHM.
McCormick, J. (Fall 2012). BPW ID communication training conducted with and for ORCO 4200 students (certificate program).
McCormick, J. & Rose, L. (September, 2012). Self-discovery and Professional Development through Internships and Applied Organizational Communication Projects. Panel Presentation to the Tennessee Communication Association. Knoxville, TN.
McCormick, J. & Reitzel, A. (April, 2012). Equal Payday. Poster presented for Business and Professional Women, Murfreesboro, TN in support of NWHM.
McCormick, J. & Rebecca Smith (Spring 2012). The ORCO Mentoring Program. Poster presented at MTSU Scholar’s Week.
McCormick, J. (Fall 2011). BPW ID communication training conducted with and for ORCO 4200 students (certificate program).
Bynum, M. & McCormick, J. (2010). On Becoming a College Professor. Directed Study paper used for college application for GTA position.
Morgan, A. & McCormick, J. (2009). Serving Others on Saturdays. Directed Study paper presented to Business and Professional Women.
McCormick, J. (Fall 2009). BPW ID communication training conducted with and for Comm 4800 students (certificate program).
McCormick, J. (Spring 2009). Created Applied Communication for GTA’s (ORCO 4210) and collaborated with 3 students in creating lesson plans and executing the plan in my classes
(Robert Lewis, Nicole Brady, Meaghan Bynum).
McCormick, J. (Fall 2008). BPW ID communication training conducted with and for Comm 4800 students (certificate program).
McCormick, J. (Fall 2007). BPW ID communication training conducted with and for Comm 4800 students (certificate program).
McCormick, J. and Cook, K (Spring 2007). BPW booth for “make a difference” day during MTSU - NWHM with intern Katt Cook.
McCormick. J., Coon, J. & Lockhart, L. (2006). Intercultural Communication Awareness – two students assisted me with the all-day training (certification course) for Literacy Volunteers of America, Harrisburg, IL.
McCormick, J., Hicks, A, Flavin, K., Yeary, C. and McDuffie, A. (2006). I supervised a student panel from my Comm 4260/4700 for the Tennessee Communication Association, Gallatin, TN.
Anita Hicks – How the Study of Communication has Changed my Life
Kevin Flavin – The Benefits of Communication Diversity in Cub Scouts/Boy Scouts
Carlos Yeary – Text Messaging Controlling the Teen World AKA Generation Y (**won best undergraduate paper)
Alexander Ryan McDuffie – Violence and Stereotypes in Video Games (**won best undergraduate paper)
I mentored a presentation by Calley Stroud (Mass Comm / PR) for the MTSU McNair Program 7th Annual Research Symposium (Summer 2006). The Impact of the Internet on the Communication Habits/Patterns of: Heterosexual, Single Persons Ages 24-45 Years Old Who are Actively Dating and Seeking Relationships Online.
McCormick, J. (February, 2006). Showcase of Best Practice in Group Dynamics. Presented at the MTSU Best Practices in CLA conference.
Picket, A. & McCormick, J. (2005). Effective Teaching as a Vehicle to Further Adolescent Education – a Comparison of Schooling in South America and the States. Directed Study paper presented to Business and Professional Women, Murfreesboro, TN.
McCormick, J. (September, 2005). Moderator for ORCO student panel of 4 senior seminar student’s best work. Tennessee Communication Association, Gallatin, TN.
Harrison, B. & McCormick, J. (2004). Ethics in Communication. Directed Study paper presented to the Tennessee Communication Association, Murfreesboro, TN.
McCormick, J. and Harrison, B. (2004). I supervised the student panel and my student Bryan Harrison presented for the Tennessee Communication Association, Murfreesboro, TN.
Rannells. A & McCormick, J. (2003). The Trends of Cross Cultural Corporate Training. Directed study paper presented to Business and Professional Women, Murfreesboro, TN.
Stephens, L. & McCormick, J. (2003). I supervised this student paper panel (Lori Stephens was a student and is now ORCO faculty!) for the Tennessee Communication Association, Gallatin, TN.
MTSU Career Achievement Award (2023), nominated
Influential Faculty Member, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society. (November, 2024), received
Influential Faculty Member, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society. (October, 2023), received
Teachers Who Make a Difference, MTSU - Appreciation letters from the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs and Vice Provost for Enrollment and Academic Services. I have...
Read More »MTSU Career Achievement Award (2023), nominated
Influential Faculty Member, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society. (November, 2024), received
Influential Faculty Member, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society. (October, 2023), received
Teachers Who Make a Difference, MTSU - Appreciation letters from the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs and Vice Provost for Enrollment and Academic Services. I have been recognized by one or more graduating seniors as “a person at MTSU who makes a real difference in a student’s academic and personal development” every semester but one since the program began Fall 2003.
Career Influencer Award, Middle Tennessee State University (April 2023), received
Outstanding Online Faculty Award, MTSU Distance Learning (April 27, 2022), received
CLA CARE (Concern for Adults Returning to Education) Award, Middle Tennessee State University (February 2022), nominated
Influential Faculty Member, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society. (November 2021), received
Good Neighbor of the Day, WGNS News Radio. (April 6, 2021)
MTSU Outstanding Online Educator Award, nominated and received (2021)
TCA Communication Educator of the Year Award, nominated and received (2020)
NSEE Outstanding Educator Award, nominated (2019)
ILA Outstanding Educator Award, nominated (2019)
MTSU Mace Bearer Spring Commencement Ceremony (2018)
NSEE Outstanding Educator Award, nominated (2017)
MTSU Outstanding Teacher Award, nominated and received (2017)
MTSU College of Liberal Arts Outstanding Faculty/Teacher Award, nominated and received (2016)
MTSU, Honors Student “Lasting Impression” recognition letter from Dr. McPhee (2016)
MTSU EXL Outstanding Faculty Award, nominated and received (2015)
MTSU Outstanding Teacher Award, nominated (Spring 2014)
NSEE Experiential Education Academy, 1st MTSU faculty graduate (2014)
Invited to Faculty Appreciation night by Jason Jones, ORCO major, MTSU Men’s Basketball (2013)
Invited to Panhellic Scholarship Excellence Breakfast, Faculty Appreciation (2013)
MTSU Exceptional Greek Leaders - Outstanding Faculty Award, received (2012)
Invited to Faculty Appreciation night by Molly McFadden, ORCO major, MTSU Women’s Basketball (2012)
MTSU Greek Panhellenic Council Outstanding Faculty Award, nominated and received (2009, 2012)
MTSU Distinguished Educator in Distance Learning Award, nominated and received (2011)
ADPi - Teacher of the Week, received (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015)
Montclair Who's Who in Collegiate Faculty Award, nominated and received (2010)
MTSU EXL Outstanding Faculty Award, nominated and received (2010)
TCA Communication Educator of the Year Award, nominated and received (September 2009)
Invited to Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc, Faculty Appreciation luncheon (2008)
TCA Communication Educator of the Year Award, nominated (2008)
MTSU ORCO Best Teacher Award given by ORCO Seniors (2008)
MTSU Mace Bearer Spring Commencement Ceremony (2008)
MTSU Outstanding Teacher Award, nominated and received (2007)
MTSU Office of Greek Life and Greek Life Programming Board – Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award, received (2007)
MTSU Outstanding Advisor Award, nominated and received (2006)
TCA Outstanding Educator Award, nominated (2006)
TCA Educator of the Year Award, nominated (2005)
Communicator of the Year, Tennessee Communication Association. (September 2021), received
Outstanding EXL Administrator, MTSU EXL Scholars Program (April 2021), received
MTSU 20 Years of Valuable Service Award (Fall 2020)
MTSU EXL Outstanding Administrator Award, nominated and received (2019)
ATHENA International Leadership Award, nominated as someone who has achieved the highest level of professional excellence, contributed time and energy to improve the quality of life for others in the community and actively assisted others, particularly women, in realizing their full leadership potential (April, 2018)
Dorotha Norton Spirit of Service Award, presented for my 15 years of outstanding service to the Tennessee Communication Association (September, 2017)
Rae Hamlin Global Leadership Award, presented for my on-going leadership/advisory work with the Global Communication Certification Council by International Asociation of Busines Communicators (IABC) at the World Conference, New Orleans (July, 2016)
National Campus Compact Leader Award, presented by Dr. Mani Hall, Executive Director of Tennessee Campus Compact for my dedication to campus-community engagement (June, 2016)
Tennessee Communication Association President, appreciation plaque awarded 2014
Selected by the IABC as the Global Communication Certification Council Inaugural Chair (2013-2015) (Highly competitive – 93 applicants from a pool of 80 countries), Certificate of Appreciation
Tennessee Communication Association “Conference Planner Extraordinaire” Award (Fall, 2013)
MTSU President's Commission on the Status of Women Chair, Certificate of Appreciation (2009-12)
TCA “Most Valuable People 2010” Award for “Service Above and Beyond the Call of Duty” (Multi-Term Officer – Organizational and Corporate Communication interest area Chair 2008-2012, 2016-current)
MTSU LT and ITC ShareFair, Certificate of Recognition (2008)
International Association of Administrative Professionals, Certificate of Appreciation (2007)
MTSU Education Association, Certificate of Appreciation (2006, 2007)
Business and Professional Women, “Power Woman” Award – recruiting and outreach (2006) National Conference, Dallas TX
Business and Professional Women, Recruiter of the Year Award (2004, 2005, 2006)
Women, Infants and Children 30th Anniversary, Certificate of Appreciation (2004)
Research / Scholarly Activity
Since joining MTSU in 2002, Dr. McCormick has welcomed the opportunity to guide over 500 undergraduate/graduate students in a variety of independent study courses through readings, directed study, and applied projects.
She has also been invited to conduct numerous trainings and workshops for a wide variety of organizations in her areas of expertise:
McCormick, J. (April, 2025) - Trainer - Conflict and People Management, sponsored by the the Tennessee Small Business Develo...
Read More »Since joining MTSU in 2002, Dr. McCormick has welcomed the opportunity to guide over 500 undergraduate/graduate students in a variety of independent study courses through readings, directed study, and applied projects.
She has also been invited to conduct numerous trainings and workshops for a wide variety of organizations in her areas of expertise:
McCormick, J. (April, 2025) - Trainer - Conflict and People Management, sponsored by the the Tennessee Small Business Development Center (TSBDC)
McCormick, J. (October, 2024) - Trainer - Interfaith Leadership Seminar
McCormick, J. (April, 2023) - Trainer - Six Types of Service Learning: Incorporating Service Learning Goals Into a Variety of Course Types, sponsored by The National Youth Leadership Council, in partnership with Volunteer Tennessee the Tennessee Afterschool Network, and United Way Tennessee
McCormick, J. (2019-current). Trainer – Communication Skills - Green House Ministries Adult Education
McCormick, J. (2016-current). Trainer – Listening Skills - DART Development Program, sponsored by the Rutherford County Domestic Violence Shelter and SAS
McCormick, J. (February, 2020) - Trainer - Powerful Listening, The Bridge Leadership Summit, MTSU Student Union, Murfreesboro, TN
McCormick, J. (November, 2019) - Trainer- Infusing Experiential Learning (EXL) into Online Courses, MTSU EXL Scholars Program, LT&ITC
McCormick, J. (February, 2018) – Trainer – Resumes and Interviews. Workshop for “Adult Connect” sponsored by the MTSU June Anderson Center (invited by Debra Winans).
McCormick, J. (February, 2018) – Trainer – Powerful Listening! Emerging Leaders Summit – The Bridge. The Bridge is sponsored by the Office of Student Organizations & Service. It is co-sponsored by Intercultural and Diversity Affairs, June Anderson Center for Women and Nontraditional Students, and Fraternity and Sorority Life (invited by Barbara Scales).
McCormick, J. (February, 2018). Trainer – MTSU Fraternity and Sorority Leadership Academy, Communicating Leadership Roles on Resumes and During Interviews (workshop w/evals).
McCormick, J. (October, 2017). Trainer - $tart $mart Financial Workshop for Women – WAGE Project - sponsored by the AAUW (workshop w/evals - BAS S341).
McCormick, J. (September, 2017) – Trainer – Resumes, Interviews and Salary negotiation. Workshop for ADPi Sorority (60 in attendance) (invited by chapter President).
McCormick, J. (May, 2017). Trainer – Listening Skills - DART Development Program, sponsored by the Rutherford County Domestic Violence Shelter and SAS (invited by SheilaJo McBryant, Domestic Violence Advocate).
McCormick, J. (April, 2017). Trainer – Salary and Benefits Negotiation Workshop. MTSU Innaugural Graduate Professional Development Day (invited by GSA President, Kimi Conro).
McCormick, J. (March, 2017). Trainer - $tart $mart Financial Workshop for Women – WAGE Project - sponsored by the AAUW (workshop w/evals - BDA 314).
McCormick, J. (January, 2017). Trainer – MTSU Fraternity and Sorority Leadership Academy, Communicating Leadership Roles on Resumes and During Interviews (workshop w/evals).
McCormick, J. (December, 2016). Trainer – Listening Skills - inaugural DART Development Program, sponsored by the Rutherford County Domestic Violence Shelter and SAS (invited by SheilaJo McBryant, Domestic Violence Advocate).
McCormick, J. (October, 2016) – Trainer – Resumes, Interviews and Salary negotiation. Workshop for ADPi Sorority (60 in attendance) (invited by chapter President).
McCormick, J. (October, 2016). Trainer - $tart $mart Financial Workshop for Women – WAGE Project - sponsored by the AAUW (workshop w/evals - BDA 314).
McCormick, J. (October, 2016). Trainer - $tart $mart Financial Workshop for Women – WAGE Project - sponsored by the AAUW (workshop w/evals). MTSU Tuesdays at Ingram for Graduate Students (invited by Jackie Eller).
McCormick, J. (June, 2016). Trainer – ORCO Best Practices – session presented at the Institute of Experiential Learning at MTSU (regional certificate program w/evals).
McCormick, J. (May, 2016). Trainer - Developing Intercultural Communication Competence. Workshop for MTSU - ASCE Professional Development Day (invited by Kathy Kano).
McCormick, J. (May, 2016). Trainer - Doing Gender in the Workplace. Workshop for MTSU - ASCE Professional Development Day (invited by Kathy Kano).
McCormick, J. (April, 2016). Trainer - $tart $mart Financial Workshop for Women – WAGE Project - sponsored by the AAUW (workshop w/evals). Golden Key Honor Society.
McCormick, J. (March, 2016). Trainer - $tart $mart Financial Workshop for Women – WAGE Project - sponsored by the AAUW (workshop w/evals). MTSU Tuesdays at Ingram for Graduate Students (invited by Jackie Eller).
McCormick, J. (March, 2016). Trainer - $tart $mart Financial Workshop for Women – WAGE Project - sponsored by the AAUW (workshop w/evals- BDA 314).
McCormick, J. (March, 2016). Trainer - $tart $mart Financial Workshop for Women – WAGE Project - sponsored by the AAUW (workshop w/evals - BDA 314).
McCormick, J. (February 2016) – Trainer – Resumes, Interviews and Salary negotiation. Workshop for MTSU Senior Seminar Theatre/Dance students (invited by Jeff Gibson).
McCormick, J. (January, 2016). Trainer – MTSU Fraternity and Sorority Leadership Academy, Communicating Leadership Roles on Resumes and During Interviews (workshop w/evals).
McCormick, J. (November, 2015). Trainer - Communication in the Workplace – Listening Skills. Workshop for MTSU – COB Accountants Professional Development Day (workshop w/evals - invited by Jeannie Harrington).
McCormick, J. (November, 2015). Trainer - $tart $mart Financial Workshop for Women – WAGE Project - sponsored by the AAUW (workshop w/evals – Rutherford Chamber).
McCormick, J. (November, 2015). Trainer - $tart $mart Financial Workshop for Women – WAGE Project - sponsored by the AAUW (workshop w/evals - invited by SHRM).
McCormick, J. (October, 2015). Trainer - $tart $mart Financial Workshop for Women – WAGE Project - sponsored by the AAUW (workshop w/evals – BDA 314).
McCormick, J. (October, 2015). Trainer – Foundations of EXL – session presented at the Institute of Experiential Learning at MTSU (regional certificate program w/evals).
McCormick, J. (October, 2015). Trainer – ORCO Best Practices – session presented at the Institute of Experiential Learning at MTSU (regional certificate program w/evals).
McCormick, J. (September, 2015). Trainer - $tart $mart Financial Workshop for Women – WAGE Project - sponsored by the AAUW (workshop w/evals - invited by Jeff Gibson).
McCormick, J. (September, 2015). Trainer - $tart $mart Financial Workshop for Women – WAGE Project - sponsored by the AAUW (workshop w/evals - MTSU Tuesdays at Ingram for Graduate Students - invited by Jackie Eller).
McCormick, J. (September, 2015). Trainer - $tart $mart Financial Workshop for Women – WAGE Project - sponsored by the AAUW (workshop w/evals – BDA 314).
McCormick, J. (Fall 2015) – Trainer – Resumes, Interviews and Salary negotiation. Workshop for Senior Seminar Theatre/Dance students (invited by Jeff Gibson).
McCormick, J. (June 2015). Trainer – Foundations of EXL – session presented at the inaugural Institute of Experiential Learning at MTSU (regional certificate program w/evals).
McCormick, J. (June, 2015). Trainer – ORCO Best Practices – session presented at the inaugural Institute of Experiential Learning at MTSU (regional certificate program w/evals).
McCormick, J. (May 21, 2015). Trainer - Are you really Listening? Workshop for MTSU - ASCE Professional Development Day (invited by Kathy Kano).
McCormick, J. (April, 2015). Trainer - $tart $mart Financial Workshop for Women – WAGE Project - sponsored by the AAUW (workshop w/evals - BAS).
McCormick, J. (April, 2015). Trainer - $tart $mart Financial Workshop for Women – WAGE Project - sponsored by the AAUW (workshop w/evals – BDA 214).
McCormick, J. (March, 2015). Trainer - $tart $mart Financial Workshop for Women – WAGE Project - sponsored by the AAUW (workshop w/evals – BDA 214).
McCormick, J. (October 9, 2014). Trainer - $tart $mart Financial Workshop for Women – WAGE Project - sponsored by the AAUW (certification workshop contracted for 2014-2017 - I became a certified trainer on April 8th 2014).
McCormick, J. (February, 2014). Trainer - Interviewing is a process – interviewing SUCCESS is a skill! Workshop presented at the MTSU Blue Raider Leadership Summit (invited by Donald Abels – CSIL).
McCormick, J. (November, 2013). Trainer - EXL Course Projects that Increase Student Engagement. Workshop presented for MTSU faculty at LT and ITC (invited by Carol Swayze, EXL Director).
McCormick, J. (April, 2013). Trainer - Interviewing Success. Workshop prepared for the Golden Key International Honor Society at MTSU (invited by Brooke Hammond, President).
McCormick, J. (February, 2013). Trainer - Interviewing is a process – interviewing SUCCESS is a skill! Workshop presented at the MTSU Blue Raider Leadership Summit (invited by Jackie Victory – CSIL).
McCormick, J. (November, 2012). Trainer - Career Development TIPS for young women. Workshop prepared for the 80 members of ADPi at MTSU (invited by Taylor DeBord, ORCO major).
McCormick, J. (October, 2012). Trainer - Listening Skills. I heard you…but I just wasn’t listening. Professional Development Workshop for MTSU Staff/Administrative/Clerical (ASCE) (invited by Barbara Sales – JAC).
McCormick, J. (February, 2012). EXL- The value of service learning and experiential learning: what does the research say? Workshop for MTSU Faculty (invited by Jill Austin, EXL Director).
McCormick, J. (2011). Make it BIG – Make a DIFFERENCE – Positively ORCO! MTSU WGST Research Series (invited by Pat Bradley).
McCormick, J. (October, 2010). Conflict and Leadership/Communication Styles During Times of Organizational Change. Workshop for Career/Professional Development Brown Bag Series sponsored by the MTSU June Anderson Women’s Center.
McCormick, J. (March, 2010). Communication Skills Workshop – Listening, Preparing and Presenting Effective Presentations, Networking, Leadership and Negotiating. Literacy Volunteers of America, Head Start, Department of Corrections. Day-long training session. Southeastern Illinois College, Harrisburg, IL (certification course).
McCormick, J. (Fall 2009). Trainer – Intercultural Business Communication TIPS on Sensitivity. Workshop prepared for the International Association of Administrative Professionals (invited by Carolyn Shaw – IAAA President).
McCormick, J. (September, 2009). Trainer - Leadership in Groups. Workshop presented at the MTSU Leadership Conference (invited by Deana Raffo).
McCormick, J. (October, 2008). Happiness is a Warm Workplace: Creating Positive communication climate in the workplace. Workshop for Career/Professional Development Brown Bag Series sponsored by the MTSU June Anderson Women’s Center.
McCormick, J. (November, 2007). Trainer – Communication Skills. BPW Individual Development Workshop (one day certification workshop).
McCormick, J. (October, 2007). Trainer – Communication Skills. BPW Individual Development Workshop (one day certification workshop).
McCormick, J. (March 2007). Why didn’t you hear what I know I said? Workshop for Career/Professional Development Brown Bag Series sponsored by the MTSU June Anderson Women’s Center.
McCormick, J. & Raffo, D. (Spring 2007). Leadership and Communication. Workshop for Career/Professional Development Brown Bag Series sponsored by the MTSU June Anderson Women’s Center.
McCormick, J. (February, 2007). Trainer – Nonverbal Communication in the Tutoring Environment. Workshop for MTSU Writing Center Tutors (invited by Center Director).
McCormick, J. (February, 2007). Trainer – Communication Skills. Business and Professional
Women (2 day certification workshop).
McCormick, J. (January, 2007). Trainer – Intercultural Business Practices. Association of Academic Administrators (certification workshop).
McCormick, J. (Fall 2006). Trainer - Interviewing skills for people with disabilities. Workshop presented for Arts Talks (invited by Lori Kissinger – Director of Very Special Arts TN).
McCormick, J. (Fall 2006). Trainer – Communication Skills. BPW Individual Development Workshop (one day certification workshop).
McCormick, J. (October, 2006). Trainer – Intercultural Communication Awareness. Literacy Volunteers of America, Head Start, Department of Corrections. Day-long training session. Southeastern Illinois College, Harrisburg, IL (one day certification course).
McCormick, J. (February, 2006). Games, Theory and Small Group Dynamics. Workshop presented for MTSU College of Liberal Arts Instructional Innovations: A Showcase of Best Practices.
McCormick, J. (October, 2005). Gender and Communication. Workshop for Career/Professional Development Brown Bag Series sponsored by the MTSU June Anderson Women’s Center.
McCormick, J. (October, 2005). Trainer – Why didn’t you hear what I know I said? Literacy Volunteers of America, Head Start, Department of Corrections. Day-long training session. Southeastern Illinois College, Harrisburg, IL (one day certification course).
McCormick, J. (Fall 2005). Trainer – Gender and Communication Skills. BPW Individual Development Workshop (one day certification workshop).
McCormick, J. (July, 2005). Gender and Communication. Workshop for Career/Professional Development Brown Bag Series sponsored by the June Anderson Women’s Center.
McCormick, J. (February, 2005). Building Women Leaders Program of Rutherford County sponsored by Habitat for Humanity - Designer/Consultant – created a one hour module on effective verbal/nonverbal communication (gender and communication – main points, examples, and activities). Requested by D. Raffo and L. Bohling AmeriCorps*VISTA Youth and Women’s Program.
McCormick, J. (February, 2005). Trainer – Nonverbal Communication in the Tutoring Environment. Workshop for MTSU Writing Center Tutors (invited by Center Director).
McCormick, J. (November, 2004). Trainer - Saying the same thing to different people. Responding to non-verbal communication and understanding how demographics and psychological factors influence the way we communicate with others. The Tennessee Women, Infants and Children (WIC) 30th Anniversary Meeting, Nashville, TN (Invited by Jerry Orenstein WIC administrator Kathy Vaughn State of TN Department of health WIC Program Coordinator (contacted in March 04)) (workshop w/evals).
McCormick, J. (Fall 2003). Trainer - The Cultural Components of ESL: A Look in the Mirror, Literacy Council of Southern Illinois and the Southern Illinois Professional Development Center, Belleville, IL (workshop w/evals).
McCormick, J. (Spring 2003). Trainer - The Cultural Components of ESL: A Look in the Mirror, Literacy Council of Southern Illinois and the Southern Illinois Professional Development Center Mt Vernon, IL (workshop w/evals).
McCormick, J. (April, 2002). Trainer - AEIOU and Multiculturalism too! For the Metro/East Literacy Council, 12th Annual On the Road to Literacy Tutor Conference, Chicago, IL (workshop w/ evals). Thank you from Dorothy Miaso Executive Director Literacy Volunteers of America – Illinois Inc and Rotary/One).
McCormick, J. (1996). Invited Guest Lecturer - English for International Students, Communication in the UK – an American Perspective, South Thames College, London England.
McCormick, J. (1995). Invited Guest Lecturer - Gender and Communication, South Thames College, London England.
McCormick, J. (February, 1995). Trainer - River City BPW Individual Development Program (workshop), Louisville, KY.
McCormick, J. (November, 1993). Trainer - Polishing Your Professional Image. Women in Communication Inc. (workshop), Louisville, KY.
McCormick, J. (October, 1993). Trainer - River City BPW Individual Development Program (workshop), Louisville, KY.
Stein, M., Warinner, I., McCormick, J., Roth, M. & Anderson, G. (1992). Panel presenter on “Exploring the Dimensions of Power – Gender Differences in Communication.” ½ day workshop for IABC and WICI, Louisville, KY.
Creative Activity
Facilitator of Women Associate Professors at MTSU Mentoring Group (2015-current)
Co-founder of the MTSU Experiential Learning Institute
Co-founder of the MTSU Non-Profit and Social Innovation Student Summit
MTSU Faculty Teaching Mentor (2006-current)
Faculty Advisor for our student chapter of IABC (International Association of Business Communicators 2002-2019)
In the Media
COMM 2200 Fundamentals of Communication (EXL)
COMM 3050 Listening (EXL) (MT Engage)
COMM 3220 Small Group Dynamics (EXL) (MT Engage)
COMM 3225 Gender and Communication (EXL)
COMM 3560 Intercultural Communication (EXL)
COMM 3240 Introduction to Organizational Communication (EXL)
COMM 3245 Women, Leadership and Communication (EXL) (MT Engage)
COMM 3340&n...
COMM 2200 Fundamentals of Communication (EXL)
COMM 3050 Listening (EXL) (MT Engage)
COMM 3220 Small Group Dynamics (EXL) (MT Engage)
COMM 3225 Gender and Communication (EXL)
COMM 3560 Intercultural Communication (EXL)
COMM 3240 Introduction to Organizational Communication (EXL)
COMM 3245 Women, Leadership and Communication (EXL) (MT Engage)
COMM 3340 Interview Communication (EXL) (MT Engage)
COMM 3500 Strategic Communication for Organizational Effectiveness (EXL)
COMM 4200 Multinational Organziations (EXL) (MT Engage)
COMM 4500 Senior Capstone in Organziational Communication (EXL) (MT Engage)
COMM 4800/3620 Applied Leadership Communication (EXL)
Directed Study
Applied Communication Projects
MALA 6000 Foundations of Liberal Arts I (EXL) (MT Engage)
MALA 6010 Foundations of Liberal Arts II (EXL) (MT Engage)
MALA 6020 Capstone Project (EXL) (MT Engage)
MALA 6040 Topics in Society and People (EXL)
MALA 6070 Focused Study in Liberal Arts