Jennifer J Kaplan
Director, Ph.D. Program in Mathematics and Science Education (MSE)

Departments / Programs
Degree Information
- PHD, University of Texas at Austin (2006)
- MA, University of Texas at Austin (2001)
- BA, Brandeis University (1989)
Areas of Expertise
Undergraduate Statistics Education, Professional Development for undergradaute STEM instructors
Kaplan, J.J. & Roland, K.E., (2022). Content and pedagogical knowledge for teaching confidence intervals in a post p<0.05 world. In Short, P., Henson, H., & McConnell, J.R. (Eds.), Age of inference: Cultivating a scientific mindset (pg. 317 – 346), Information Age Publishing.
Koklu, O. & Kaplan, J.J. (2022). Undergraduate students’ use of primitive notions when reasoning about variability. International Journal ...
Read More »Kaplan, J.J. & Roland, K.E., (2022). Content and pedagogical knowledge for teaching confidence intervals in a post p<0.05 world. In Short, P., Henson, H., & McConnell, J.R. (Eds.), Age of inference: Cultivating a scientific mindset (pg. 317 – 346), Information Age Publishing.
Koklu, O. & Kaplan, J.J. (2022). Undergraduate students’ use of primitive notions when reasoning about variability. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education.
Kaplan, J. J. & Roland, K.E. (2022). Confidence means what?!?!? Lexical ambiguity in the interpretation of confidence intervals. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS-11). International Association for Statistics Education (IASE).
Roland, K.E. & Kaplan, J. J. (2022). Brody and Jamie's colleague: The difference in confidence interval estimators and estimates. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS-11). International Association for Statistics Education (IASE).
Roland, K.E. & Kaplan, J. J. (2022). Using Concept Images as a Framework for the Concept of Confidence Intervals. Proceedings of the 24nd Annual Conference on Research on Undergraduate Mathematics Education. MAA SIGMAA on RUME.
Roland, K.E. & Kaplan, J. J. (2022). The Implications of the Difference Between Estimators and Estimates in the Meaning of Confidence Intervals: Brody and the Jamie’s Colleague Task. Proceedings of the 24nd Annual Conference on Research on Undergraduate Mathematics Education. MAA SIGMAA on RUME.
Findley, K. & Kaplan, J. J. (2019). Is Statistics just Math? The Developing Epistemological Views of Graduate Teaching Assistants. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference on Research on Undergraduate Mathematics Education. MAA SIGMAA on RUME, 196 – 203.
Kaplan, J.J., Lyford, A., & Jennings J.K. (2018). Effects of question stem on student descriptions of histograms. Statistics Education Research Journal, 17(1).
Kaplan, J.J. & Rogness, N. (2018). Increasing statistical literacy by exploiting lexical ambiguity of technical terms. Numeracy, 11(1). 3.
Findley, K. & Kaplan, J.J. (2018) Cognitive Resources in Student Reasoning about Mean Tendency. Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference on Research on Undergraduate Mathematics Education. MAA SIGMA on RUME, 1345 - 1351.
Findley, K. & Kaplan, J. J. (2018). What is Statistics? Examining the Disciplinary Beliefs of Incoming Statistics TAs. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS-10). IASE.
Kaplan, J. J. and Roland, K. E. (2018) Improving Capacity and Quality of Undergraduate Statistics Instruction through Research-Based TA Training Experiences. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS-10). IASE.
Lyford, A. & Kaplan, J. J. (2018) Improving Student Learning and Instructional Effectiveness through the Innovative Use of Automated Analysis of Formative Assessments. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS-10). IASE.
Research / Scholarly Activity
My research is focused on using research on undergraduate learning in statistics to provide professional development to instructors of statistics. In general, the intellectual merit associated with all of my projects is two-fold: the research results address improvements in 1. undergraduate learning in statistics and 2. educator development in statistics. The broader impacts associated with my research are the meeting of desired societal outcomes: 1) improvin...
Read More »My research is focused on using research on undergraduate learning in statistics to provide professional development to instructors of statistics. In general, the intellectual merit associated with all of my projects is two-fold: the research results address improvements in 1. undergraduate learning in statistics and 2. educator development in statistics. The broader impacts associated with my research are the meeting of desired societal outcomes: 1) improving STEM education and educator development at the undergraduate level and 2) providing enhanced infrastructure for research in teaching and learning and the education of undergraduates in STEM courses. In addition, my current research program lays a foundation for future projects that will address the outcomes of 3) developing a diverse, globally competitive STEM workforce, 4) improving well-being of individuals in society, and 5) increasing public scientific literacy.