Dr. John M. Coons

Monday 10am-Noon; Tuesday & Thursday 10am-11am; Wednesday 1pm-3pm
Departments / Programs
Degree Information
- PHD, Middle Tennessee State University (2008)
- MS, Middle Tennessee State University (2005)
- MED, Frostburg State University (2000)
- BS, Southeast Missouri State University (1996)
Areas of Expertise
Exercise and Physical Activity, Muscle Physiology, Electromyography, Osteoarthritis, Resistance Training
Coons, J. M., Grubbs, B. F., Barry, V. W., Conners, R. T., Stevens, S. L. (2023). An exploratory study of aquatic walking on symptoms and functional limitations in persons with knee osteoarthritis: part 1. International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education, 14(1), Article 4. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/ijare/vol14/iss1/4
Coons, J. M., Grubbs, B. F., Theiss, C., Barry, V., Stevens, S. L. (2023). An exploratory study...
Read More »Coons, J. M., Grubbs, B. F., Barry, V. W., Conners, R. T., Stevens, S. L. (2023). An exploratory study of aquatic walking on symptoms and functional limitations in persons with knee osteoarthritis: part 1. International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education, 14(1), Article 4. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/ijare/vol14/iss1/4
Coons, J. M., Grubbs, B. F., Theiss, C., Barry, V., Stevens, S. L. (2023). An exploratory study of the effects of aquatic walking on function and muscle activity in knee osteoarthritis: part 2. International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education. 14(1), Article 5. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/ijare/vol14/iss1/5
Martinez, S. C., Coons, J. M., Mehls, K. D. (2022). Effect of external load on muscle activation during the barbell back squat. European Journal of Sport Science, June 13, doi: 10.1080/17461391.2022.2081093.
Mehls, K.D., Grubbs, B.F., Stevens, S.L., Martinez, S., Jin, Y., Coons, J.M. (2021). Correcting movement syndromes: the role of training load and its effects on muscle activity. Sport Sciences for Health, (June 7, 2021), 1-10.
Martinez, S.C., Clark, D.N., Coons, J.M. (2021). Peak muscle activity during stance phase in women with patellofemoral pain versus without patellofemoral pain. International Journal of Motor Control and Learning, 3(1), 4-13.
Mehls, K.D., Grubbs, B.F., Stevens, S.L., Jin, Y., Coons, J.M. (2021). Power Production and Development in Youth Athletes: The Effects of Training Load. Journal of Athletic Enhancement (In-Press).
Burton, J., Duffey, S., Hammnods, A., LeDuc, A., Shumate, R., Coons, J.M., Conners, R.T. (2020). Cardiovascular and Stride Frequency Differences during Land and Aquatic Treadmill Walking. International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education, 12(4), 1-16.
Mehls, K., Grubbs, B.F., Jin, Y., Coons, J.M. (2020). An Electromyography Comparison of Sex Differences During the Back Squat. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (In Press-Published Ahead of Print).
Scudamore, E.M., Stevens, S.L., Fuller, D.K., Coons, J.M., Morgan, D.W. (2020). Functional Movement Screen Items Predict Dynamic Balance Under Military Torso Load. Military Medicine, 185(3-4), 493-498.
Conners, R., Caputo, J.L., Coons, J.M., Fuller, D.K., Morgan, D.W. (2019). Impact of Underwater Treadmill Training on Glycemic Control, Blood Lipids, and Health-Related Fitness in Adults With Type 2 Diabetes. Clinical Diabetes, 37(1), 36--43.
Scudamore, E.M., Stevens, S.L., Fuller, D.K., Coons, J.M., Morgan, D.W. (2019). Use of Functional Movement Screen Scores to Predict Dynamic Balance in Physically Active Men and Women. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 33(7), 1848-1854.
Korak, J.A., Paquette, M.R., Fuller, D.K., Caputo, J.L., Coons, J.M. (2018). Effect of a restpause vs. traditional squat on electromyography and lifting volume in trained women. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 118(7), 1309--1314.
Korak, J.A., Paquette, M.R., Fuller, D.K., Caputo, J. L., Coons, J.M. (2018). Muscle activation patterns of lower-body musculature among 3 traditional lower-body exercises in trained women. The Journal of Strength Conditioning Research, 32(10), 2770--2775.
Coons, J.M., Gould, C.E., Kim, J.K., Farley, R.S., Caputo, J.L. (2017). Dynamic stretching is effective as static stretching at increasing flexibility. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 12(4), 1153--1161.
Korak, J.A., Paquette, M.R., Brooks, J., Fuller, D.K., Coons, J.M. (2017). Effect of rest-pause vs. traditional bench press training on muscle strength, electromyography, and lifting volume in randomized trial protocols. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 117(9), 1891--1896.
Martinez, S.C., Coons, J.M., Mehls, K.D. (2021) NSCA National Conference, "Hamstrings- Quadriceps (H:Q) Co-Activation Ratio Across Different Training Loads in the Barbell Back Squat," National Strength and Conditioning Association, Walt Disney Swan and Dolphin Resort, Orlando, FL, United States of America.
Scudamore, E.M., Stevens, S.L., Fuller, D.K., Coons, J.M., Morgan, D.W. (2019). American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, "Use of Traditi...
Read More »Martinez, S.C., Coons, J.M., Mehls, K.D. (2021) NSCA National Conference, "Hamstrings- Quadriceps (H:Q) Co-Activation Ratio Across Different Training Loads in the Barbell Back Squat," National Strength and Conditioning Association, Walt Disney Swan and Dolphin Resort, Orlando, FL, United States of America.
Scudamore, E.M., Stevens, S.L., Fuller, D.K., Coons, J.M., Morgan, D.W. (2019). American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, "Use of Traditional and Modified Functional Movement Screening to Predict Balance with Military Load," American College of Sports Medicine, Orlando, FL, United States of America.
Mehls, K., Coons, J.M., Southeast ACSM Regional Meeting, (2018). An Electromyography Comparison of Bench Press Volume Following Varied Warm-Ups, Southeastern Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine.
Conners, R.T., Coons, J.M., Fuller, D.K., Kim, Y., Morgan, D.W. (2018). ACSM Annual Meeting, "Maintenance of Health-Related Fitness Gains Following Underwater Treadmill Training in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes," American College of Sports Medicine, Minneapolis, MN, United States of America.
Scudamore, E.M., Barry, V. W., Coons, J.M. (2017). ACSM Annual Meeting, "An Evaluation of Time- Trial Based Predictions of VO2max and Recommended Training Paces for Collegiate and Recreational Runners," American College of Sports Medicine, Denver, United States of America.
Korak, J.A., Paquette, M., Coons, J.M., (2017). Southeast Regional ACSM Annual Meeting, "Differences in Peak Muscle Activity across Four Sets to Volitional Fatigue between Rest-Pause and Traditional Bench Press," Southeast Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine.
Conners, R.T., Coons, J.M., Fuller, D.K., Morgan, D.W., Caputo, J.L. (2017). ACSM Annual Meeting, "Effects of Underwater Treadmill Training on Health-Related Fitness and Daily Caloric Expenditure in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes," American College of Sports Medicine, Denver, United States of America.
Korak, J.A., Paquette, M., Coons, J.M., (2017). ACSM Annual Meeting, "Peak Muscle Activity across Four Sets to Volitional Fatigue between Rest-Pause and Traditional Bench Press," American College of Sports Medicine, Denver, United States of America.
Killen, L.G., Coons, J.M., Barry, V.W., Fuller, D.K., Caputo, J.L., (2017). ACSM Annual Meeting, "Validation of a Physical Activity Monitor as a Measure of Energy Expenditure During a Circuit- Style Workout with Females who are Overweight or Obese," American College of Sports Medicine, Denver, CO, United States of America