Dr. Kate Lisbeth Pantelides

Professor; Provost's Fellow

Dr.  Kate Lisbeth Pantelides
(615) 898-2722
Peck Hall (PH)

Degree Information

  • PHD, University of South Florida (2013)
  • MA, University of Louisville (2008)
  • AB, Bowdoin College (2003)

Areas of Expertise

writing research methods, feminist rhetorics, writing program administration


Kate Pantelides has taught rhetoric, composition, and technical communication courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Her research adresses rhetorical genre studies, research methods, feminist rhetoric, and writing program administration. Dr. Pantelides’ work has been published in College Composition and Communication, Composition Studies, Computers and Composition: An International Journal, and Composition Forum, among other venues. Her recent textbook, with Jen Clary-Lemon and Derek Mueller is Try This: Research Methods for Writers.


Recent Books and Collections

Clary-Lemon, Jen, Derek Mueller, and Kate Pantelides. Try This: Research Methods For Writers WAC Clearinghouse/Colorado UP: 2022.

Ryan Korstange, Blum, Susan, Oscar Fernandez, Mays Imad, Thomas Nelson Laird, and Kate Pantelides. “A Theory of Public Higher Education. Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal, vol. 104.2-3, pp. 141-251....

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Recent Books and Collections

Clary-Lemon, Jen, Derek Mueller, and Kate Pantelides. Try This: Research Methods For Writers WAC Clearinghouse/Colorado UP: 2022.

Ryan Korstange, Blum, Susan, Oscar Fernandez, Mays Imad, Thomas Nelson Laird, and Kate Pantelides. “A Theory of Public Higher Education. Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal, vol. 104.2-3, pp. 141-251.  

Recent Peer-Reviewed Articles

Pantelides, Kate. “Speak in the Tongue of Your Father: Disentangling ‘American’ Work Ethic and Professional Curiosity.” In Fragmented, Evolving, Precious: Scholarly Writing Across Life Contexts, Eds. Derek Van Ittersum and Kim Hensley Owens. 2023.

Graban, Tarez, Holly Hassel, and Kate Pantelides. “Feminists (in) Dialogue: Mapping Convergent Moments and Telling Divergent Histories of the CCCC Feminist Caucus and the CFSHRC.” Peitho. 2023.

Brooker, Meg, Julie Myatt, and Kate Pantelides. “Discomfort Training in the Archives: Embodied Rhetoric in Feminist Advocacy.” In Embodied Rhetorics, edited by A. Abby Knoblauch and Marie Moeller. Utah State University Press, 2022.

Pantelides, Kate, Jacob Castle, and Katie Musick. “Like So Many Maps Under Foot: Using Holographic Thinking to Unflatten a Celebration of Student Writing.” In Radiant Figures, edited by Rachel Gramer, Derek Mueller, and Logan Bearden. CCC Digital Press, 2021.

Pantelides, Kate and Derek Mueller “Big Time Disciplinarity and Its Professional Consequences.” In Composition as Big Data, edited by Benjamin Miller and Amanda Licastro. University of Pittsburgh Press, 2021, pp. 179-195.   

Williams, Elizabeth and Kate Pantelides. “Recoveries and Reconsiderations: Students’ Written Responses to Holocaust Survivor Nessy Marks.” Peitho, vol. 23.3, 2021.

Detweiler, Eric, and Kate Pantelides. “Predicting Futures, Performing Feminisms: Chronology and Ideology in Writing Classrooms.” Pedagogy, vol. 20, no.1, 2020, pp. 157-170.

Pantelides, Kate. “After the Accusation: The Lasting Impact of Plagiarism Trauma on Student Writing Behaviors.” In Failure Pedagogies, edited by Laura Micchiche and Allison Carr. Peter Lang Publishing, 2020, pp. 39-52.

Pantelides, Kate. “Transgressing Unstable Ground: Contradictions in Representations of Writing Program Administrative Work.” WPA: Writing Program Administration Journal. Vol.42, no.2, 2019, pp119-138.

Bartesaghi, Mariaelena and Kate Pantelides. “Reconstructing the “Critical” in Critical Discourse Studies.” Review of Communication, vol. 18, no.3, 2018, pp. 158-177.

Pantelides, Kate. “The Joys of WPAhood.” In WPAs in Transition, edited by Jacob Babb, Courtney van Wooten, and Richard Ray, Utah State University Press, 2018, pp. 100-110.

Pantelides, Kate. “Graduate Students “Show Their Work”: Meta-language in Dissertation Methodology Sections.” Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, vol. 47, no. 2, 2017, pp. 194 – 214.

Pantelides, Kate, Derek Mueller, and Gabriel Green. “Eight Years a Wooden Opponent: Adaptive Genres and Their Unchanging Elements.” Present Tense: A Journal of Rhetoric in Society, vol. 5, no. 3, 2016, n. pg.

Mueller, Derek, Kate Pantelides, Laura Davies, Matthew Dowell, Mike Garcia, and Rik Hunter. “Polymorphic Frames of Pre-tenure WPAs: Seven Accounts of Hybridity and Pronoia.” Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy, vol. 21, no.1, 2016, n. pg.

Pantelides, Kate. “Dissertation Genre Change.” Across the Disciplines, vol. 12, no. 3, 2015, n. pg.

Pantelides, Kate. “Metagenre on the WPA-L:  Transitional Threads as Nexus for Micro/Macro-level Discourse on the Dissertation.” Composition Forum, vol. 31, 2015, n. pg.  

Pantelides, Kate. “Negotiating What's at Stake in Informal Writing in the Writing Center.” Computers and Composition: An International Journal, vol. 29, no. 4, 2012, pp. 269-279.

Pantelides, Kate, and Mariaelena Bartesaghi. “‘So what are we working on?’ Pronouns as a Way of Re-Examining Composing.” Composition Studies, vol. 40, no. 1, 2012, pp. 24-38.*  

* Reprinted in Voss, Julia, Beverly Moss, Steve Parks, Brian Bailie, Heather Christiansen, and Stephanie Ceraso, Eds. Best of Independent Rhetoric and Composition Journals. Parlor Press, 2014. 

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