Tim Wilson

Departments / Programs
Degree Information
- MBA, National University (2008)
- MS, University of Tennessee, Knoxville (2000)
- BS, Middle Tennessee State University (1999)
Areas of Expertise
Intercollegiate Athletics Particularly Small College Athletics
Sport Governance
Professional Wrestling
The Role of the Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR)
Tim Wilson is a Leisure and Sport Management Lecturer in his second year at Middle Tennessee State University.
He has 23+ years of Higher Education experience as a Sport Management/Business Professor at Bethel University (TN), Tusculum University (TN), and Martin Methodist College (now the University of...
Read More »Tim Wilson is a Leisure and Sport Management Lecturer in his second year at Middle Tennessee State University.
He has 23+ years of Higher Education experience as a Sport Management/Business Professor at Bethel University (TN), Tusculum University (TN), and Martin Methodist College (now the University of Tennessee Southern). His leadership positions throughout his career have included serving as a Department Chair, Division Chair, and Program Coordinator. During his tenure, students have secured employment in professional sports, intercollegiate athletics, sports apparel, event management, facility management, and many other areas of the sport industry.
In addition to his teaching experience, Wilson has 18 years of Intercollegiate Athletics experience working with national office staff, university presidents, conference commissioners, athletic directors, coaches, and student-athletes within the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) and National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division II as a Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR).
Wilson routinely presents at national and regional conferences including the College Sport Research Institute (CSRI), Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA), and Sport Marketing Association (SMA). Currently, he serves on the board for the Tennessee Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (TAHPERD) as the Sport Management Section Chair.
Davidson, N. & Wilson, T. (2022). How Do You Learn to Fall Off a 20 Foot Ladder? Exploring Hardcore Professional Wrestling as One of the Last Keepers of Kayfabe. Professional Wrestling Studies Journal, Volume 3 Issue 1, 135-144.
Wilson, T., Croft, C., & Reed, S. (2021). Promoting Intercollegiate Beach Volleyball: The Rise of the NCAA’s Fastest Growing Sport. Journal of Managerial Issues, Volume XXXIII (3), 274-288.
Wilson, T. & Davidson, N. (2024, March). Leading Together in College Athletics: An Examination of Presidential Leadership Preferences of NAIA Athletic Directors. Presentation at the 2024 CSRI Conference on College Sport. Columbia, SC.
Greene, A., Wilson, T., & Agnew, G. (2024, February). Breaking Into Sport: Enhanced Marketing Initiatives Create a More Dynamic Sport Management Student Networking Event. Presentation at ...
Read More »Wilson, T. & Davidson, N. (2024, March). Leading Together in College Athletics: An Examination of Presidential Leadership Preferences of NAIA Athletic Directors. Presentation at the 2024 CSRI Conference on College Sport. Columbia, SC.
Greene, A., Wilson, T., & Agnew, G. (2024, February). Breaking Into Sport: Enhanced Marketing Initiatives Create a More Dynamic Sport Management Student Networking Event. Presentation at the 2024 Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) Conference. Knoxville, TN.
Davidson, N., Wilson, T., & Croft, C. (2023, November). Punches, Piledrivers, and Pride: A Case Study into Professional Wrestling and its Celebration of the LGBTQ+ Community. Presentation at the 2023 North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS) Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Davidson, N., Williams, D., & Wilson, T. (2023, October). Living the Gimmick: Analyzing the Heat Professional Wrestlers Generate on Social Media. Presentation at the 2023 Sport Marketing Association (SMA) Conference. Tampa, FL.
Wilson, T. & Greer, J. (2023, October). The Importance of Sports Sales in the Sport Management Curriculum. Presentation at the 54th Annual Tennessee Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (TAHPERD) Conference. Murfreesboro, TN.
Lee, J. & Wilson, T. (2023, March). A Truly Revolutionary Rebrand: Transforming Martin Methodist College to the University of Tennessee Southern. Presentation at the 2023 CSRI Conference on College Sport. Columbia, SC.
Watkins, J., Reed, S., Wilson, T., & Daehnke. H. (2023, February). “Silly Minor League Team Name Done Right”: The Rebrand of the Appalachian League. Presentation at the 2023 Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) Conference. Birmingham, AL.
Davidson, N. & Wilson, T. (2022, October). “I Got Into Wrestling Because of You”: The Production and Marketing of Identity in Professional Wrestling. Paper Presentation at the 2022 Sport Marketing Association (SMA) Conference. Charlotte, NC.
Lee, J., Wilson, T., & McRee, L. (2022, June). Faith Integration; Disengagement, & Institutional Branding: The Case of the Rebranding of Martin Methodist College to University of Tennessee Southern. Presentation at the 2022 Christian Society for Kinesiology, Leisure, and Sport Studies (CSKLS) Conference. Waco, TX.
Wilson, T. & Davidson, N. (2022, March). A Review of the Small College Faculty Athletics Representative’s Years of Service. Presentation at the 2022 College Sport Research Institute Conference on College Sport (CSRI). Columbia, SC.
Undergraduate Courses:
LSTS 3010 - Introduction to Leisure, Sport, and Tourism Studies
LSTS 3150 - Foundations of the Sport Industry
LSTS 4250 - Legal Issues in Sport and Leisure
LSTS 4540 - Finance and Administration of Lesiure, Sport, and Tourism Studies
LSTS 4890 - Senior Seminar in Leisure, Sport, and Toursim
Graduate Courses:
LSM 5540 - Organization and Administration of Leisure, Sport, and Tourism