Transfer Equivalencies
Home > GA Institutions > Savannah College of Art Design
There are 210 transfer equivalencies on file for Savannah College of Art Design
Transfer Course | Transfer Title | MTSU Course | MTSU Title |
ACCE 110 | Sewing Tech for Accessory Dsgn | TXMD ELLD | LD:Sewing Tech for Accessory D |
ADBR 150 | Introduction to Advertising | ADV ELLD | LD:Introduction to Advertising |
ADBR 205 | Production for Brand Content | ADV ELLD | LD:Production for Brand Conten |
ADBR 252 | Art:Visual Brand Storytelling | ADV ELLD | LD:Art:Visual Brand Storytelli |
AH 010001 | Survey of Western A | ART 1910 | Survey of Non-Western Art |
AH 010001 | Survey of Western A | ART 1910 | Survey of Non-Western Art |
AH 011001 | Survey of Western A | ART 1920 | Survey of Western Art I |
AH 011001 | Survey of Western A | ART 1920 | Survey of Western Art I |
AH 0335 | Early Christn & Byzn | ART ELUD | UD: Early Christn & Byzn |
AMST 0121 | Hist of Amer Culture | HIST ELLD | LD: Hist of Amer Culture |
ANAT 0100 | General Anatomy | BIOL ELLD | LD:General Anatomy |
ANIM 0180 | Action Analysis I | ANIM ELLD | LD:Action Analysis I |
ANIM 190 | Survey of Animation | ANIM ELLD | LD:Survey of Animation |
ANIM 202 | Prin of 2D Animation | ANIM ELLD | LD:Prin of 2D Animation |
ANIM 223 | History of Animation | ANIM ELLD | LD:History of Animation |
ANIM 250 | Digital Form/Space/Lighting | ANIM ELLD | LD:Digital Form/Space/Lighting |
ANIM 252 | Prin of 3D Animation | ANIM ELLD | LD:Prin of 3D Animation |
ANIM 253 | Core Prin 3D Cha Anim | ANIM ELLD | LD:Core Prin 3D Cha Anim |
ANIM 270 | Prin of Screen Design | ANIM ELLD | LD:Prin of Screen Design |
ANIM 280 | 3D Char Setup & Animation | ANIM ELLD | LD:3D Char Setup & Animation |
ANIM 408 | Anim Capstone:Preproduction | ANIM ELUD | UD:Anim Capstone:Preproduction |
ANTH 0101 | Introduction to Anthropology | ANTH 2010 | Cultural Anthropology |
ANTH 106 | Lang, Culture, & Society | ANTH ELLD | LD:Lang, Culture, & Society |
ANTH 107 | Intro to Visual Anthro | ANTH ELLD | LD:Intro to Visual Anthro |
ARCH 0101 | Intro to Architctr | ET ELLD | LD: Intro to Architctr |
ARCH 241 | Construction Technology I | CMT ELLD | LD:Construction Technology I |
ARCH 252 | Structures I | CMT ELLD | LD:Structures I |
ARCH 361 | Environmental Control I | ET ELUD | UD:Environmental Control I |
ARLH 0360 | Architectural New Yo | ET ELUD | UD:Architectural New Yo |
ARLH 206 | Mod Architect I:1750-1900 | ART ELLD | LD:Mod Architect I:1750-1900 |
ARLH 208 | Mod Architect: 1900-Present | ART ELLD | LD:Mod Architect: 1900-Present |
ARTH 0100 | Survey Western Art | ART 1920 | Survey of Western Art I |
ARTH 0100 | Survey Western Art | ART 1920 | Survey of Western Art I |
ARTH 0110 | Survey of West Arts | ART 1920 | Survey of Western Art I |
ARTH 0110 | Survey of West Arts | ART 1920 | Survey of Western Art I |
ARTH 0207 | Twentieth-Cent Art | ART ELLD | LD: Twentieth-Cent Art |
ARTH 0282 | Medieval Art/Archite | ART ELLD | LD: Medieval Art/Archite |
ARTH 0339 | 18th Century Art | ART ELUD | UD: 18th Century Art |
ARTH 333 | Egptian Art & Archaeology | ART ELUD | UD:Egptian Art & Archaeology |
AS 0121 | Hist of Amer Culture | HIST ELLD | LD: Hist of Amer Culture |
ASTR 101 | Intro to Astronomy | ASTR 1030 | Exploring the Universe |
BIOL 100 | Environmental Science | BIOL ELLD | LD:Environmental Science |
BUSI 101 | The Design of Business | BCED 1400 | Introduction to Business |
BUSI 110 | Business I:Fundamentals | BCED 1400 | Introduction to Business |
BUSI 210 | Management/Creative Envrnmnt | MGMT ELLD | LD:Management/Creative Envrnmn |
CHEM 101 | Applied Chemistry | CHEM ELLD | LD:Applied Chemistry |
CMPA 0100 | Survey Computer Art | ELEC ELLD | LD: Survey Computer Art |
CMPA 0110 | Adv Computer Literac | CSCI ELLD | LD: Adv Computer Literac |
CMPA 0121 | Intro to Animation | ART ELLD | LD: Intro to Animation |
CMPA 0204 | Electronic Painting | ART ELLD | LD: Electronic Painting |
Showing 1 to 50 of 210 entries