Contact Us

Contact Us

1301 East Main Street
Murfreesboro, TN 37132-0001
USA +1 (615) 898-2300

  • Online directory listings are automatically updated daily from Banner. Access your listing information through the PipelineMT Home page. Go to Personal Information and click on Addresses and Phones to change your campus address and phone number for display in the online directory.
  • If you cannot find a person listed in this directory, contact the main switchboard at 615.898.2300 for further assistance.
Undergraduate Admissions
Student Services & Admissions Center, Room 120
(615) 898-2111
[email protected]
Graduate Admissions
Sam H. Ingram Building, Main Floor
2269 Middle Tennessee Boulevard
(615) 898-2840
[email protected]
Registration & Class Schedules
MT One Stop
Student Services & Admissions Center, Room 210
(615) 898-2111
[email protected]
Request Transcripts
MTSU Athletics
Box 77
Middle Tennessee State University
Murfreesboro, TN 37132
(615) 898-2450
[email protected] 
Financial Aid
MT One Stop
Student Services & Admissions Center, Room 210
(615) 898-2111
[email protected]
Fees and Tuition
MT One Stop
Student Services & Admissions Center, Room 210
Murfreesboro, TN 37132
(615) 898-2111
[email protected]
Student Housing
Student Housing
Box 6
Murfreesboro, TN 37132
(615) 898-2971
[email protected]
News and Media Relations
MTSU News 
Jackson Bldg., Box 72
Middle Tennessee State University
Murfreesboro, TN 37132
(615) 898-2919
[email protected] 
Schedule a Tour
Undergraduate Admissions
Student Services & Admissions Center, Room 110
Murfreesboro, TN 37132
(615) 898-5670
[email protected]
Computers, PipelineMT or Internet
ITD Service Desk
Keathley University Center, Room 320
Murfreesboro, TN 37132
(615) 898-5345
[email protected] 
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