Art, Art History Concentration, B.S./B.A.


Choose an art major with concentrations in Art History or Visual Arts for museum, gallery, arts careers, or graduate studies.

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Art, Art History Concentration, B.S./B.A.

More than one path is open to those who wish to major in Art and pursue careers in museums, galleries, or arts organizations and/or pursue further study at the graduate level.

Students choose between concentrations in Art History and in Visual Arts. Those choosing Art History will take upper-level courses in non-Western art (Asian, Pre-Columbian, Latin American, African), Medieval/Renaissance art, and modern/contemporary art. Students who concentrate in Art History may pursue graduate degrees or careers in museums, galleries, or arts organizations. Others may consider occupations in such varied areas as education, historical preservation, and consulting. Faculty members work with individual students, assisting them in choosing areas of interest that will further their goals.


News Briefs

Middle Tennessee State University associate professor and artist Mark Mcleod’s exhibit “Cairns” will be hosted at Jacksonville University’s Alexandre Brest Gallery in Jacksonville, Florida, kicking off with a 5 p.m. reception on Thursday, Feb. 1, and open through Feb. 28. Mcleod used an internal MTSU grant to fund the project. (MTSU graphic illustration by Stephanie Wagner)

MTSU faculty uses internal grant to showcase sculptures, provide student experience 

A Middle Tennessee State University art and design professor landed one of the university’s internal grants to create his upcoming solo exhibition that explores the fickle nature of memory and how it informs the present through sculpture.  Associate professor and artist Mark Mcleod’s exhibit “Cairns” will be hosted at Jacksonville University’s Alexandre Brest Gallery in Jacksonville, Florida, kicking off with [ Read More ]

News Briefs

Middle Tennessee State University associate professor and artist Mark Mcleod’s exhibit “Cairns” will be hosted at Jacksonville University’s Alexandre Brest Gallery in Jacksonville, Florida, kicking off with a 5 p.m. reception on Thursday, Feb. 1, and open through Feb. 28. Mcleod used an internal MTSU grant to fund the project. (MTSU graphic illustration by Stephanie Wagner)

MTSU faculty uses internal grant to showcase sculptures, provide student experience 

A Middle Tennessee State University art and design professor landed one of the university’s internal grants to create his upcoming solo exhibition that explores the fickle nature of memory and how it informs the present through sculpture.  Associate professor and artist Mark Mcleod’s exhibit “Cairns” will be hosted at Jacksonville University’s Alexandre Brest Gallery in Jacksonville, Florida, kicking off with [ Read More ]

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Students studying Art History may end up working in museums or galleries, in the teaching field, or in other arts- or historic-related occupations. Some possible career opportunities include

  • Advertising work
  • Appraiser
  • Architecture career
  • Art conservation/preservation
  • Art critic
  • Art dealer
  • Arts management
  • Auctioneering/collecting
  • Commercial design
  • Consulting work
  • Curator at museum/gallery
  • Educator
  • Exhibit designer
  • Filmmaker
  • Fine arts restoration
  • Historic preservation work
  • Historic research
  • Librarian

Most individuals pursuing a career in art history find that graduate work enhances their opportunities. Included among the graduate programs that MTSU art history graduates have entered are

  • Pratt Institute.
  • Savannah College of Art and Design
  • University of London
  • Univeristy of East Anglia
  • University of Madrid
  • University of Louisville






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