Liberal Arts, M.A.

Liberal Arts

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Liberal Arts, M.A.

The Master of Arts in Liberal Arts (MALA) offered through the College of Liberal Arts at MTSU is an interdisciplinary program offering a thesis and non-thesis option.

The Master of Arts in Liberal Arts (MALA) is a broadly interdisciplinary program allowing students to construct a personal plan of study from within the College of Liberal Arts departments and programs, which include the following:

With the guidance of the program director, students build a program of study that will enhance career opportunities, provide preparation for further graduate study, or create opportunities for lifelong learning. MTSU's Master of Arts in Liberal Arts is an innovative program allowing students to earn a graduate degree through a course of study built around the subjects that they find most interesting and captivating. Anyone holding a bachelor's degree can pursue long-held or new passions through a personally customized program developed around individual interests. Lifelong learners, professionals, students returning to school after a break, and recent graduates can find the flexibility to fit their educational needs through this unique master's program. Students attend engaging courses and have opportunities to participate in projects in the region or even enroll in education-abroad courses around the world. Top-quality professors bring varying research and teaching interests to the classroom through inspiring instruction. The Master of Arts in Liberal Arts allows students to refine skills, expand their horizons, learn for the joy of it, and obtain the graduate degree they have always wanted.

A number of our courses are designated EXL and MT Engage indicating they contain hands on, reflective learning opportunities.

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News Briefs

MTSU liberal arts master’s director touts program variety, alumni success

Let’s just say MTSU’s Janet McCormick is fond of directing the Master of Arts in Liberal Arts, or “MALA,” graduate program, a flexible advanced degree that provides students greater liberty in crafting a program of study catered to their unique interests. “I love it,” McCormick said. “It’s unique because it’s an interdisciplinary program. It can be adapted to student and employer needs, [ Read More ]

News Briefs

MTSU liberal arts master’s director touts program variety, alumni success

Let’s just say MTSU’s Janet McCormick is fond of directing the Master of Arts in Liberal Arts, or “MALA,” graduate program, a flexible advanced degree that provides students greater liberty in crafting a program of study catered to their unique interests. “I love it,” McCormick said. “It’s unique because it’s an interdisciplinary program. It can be adapted to student and employer needs, [ Read More ]

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Most professions need people with problem-solving and communication skills who understand global systems, can research a broad variety of topics, and can learn on the job. MALA graduates come from and/or choose career fields such as:

  • Advertising
  • Arts
  • Education
  • Human resources
  • Medicine
  • Military
  • Ministry
  • Nonprofits
  • Politics
  • Public relations
  • Urban planning/city management
  • Writing/editing






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