Psychology, B.S.


Explore the human mind and gain insights into behavior, develop crucial skills, and pursue diverse career paths.

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Psychology, B.S.

The College of Behavioral and Health Sciences at MTSU offers the Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology. Psychology is a science that studies behavior and mental processes. It also seeks to answer basic questions about thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Psychology reaches into multiple areas of human activity, from the workplace to schools, research hospitals to forensic investigation. Those trained in the field strive to understand and serve human needs. Our students develop critical-thinking skills, people skills, and communication skills that they can apply to any field.

The Bachelor of Science in Psychology curriculum provides familiarity with the scientific bases of psychology for students preparing for careers in a variety of professions. It also teaches the knowledge and skills necessary for graduate work in psychology as well as the academic preparation and technical skills for students who plan to work in health-related, business and/or research settings after completing their undergraduate work. Students also have opportunities to assist psychology professors with research and to complete applied experiences.

The Psychology Department resides in MTSU's new Academic Classroom Building. The building supplies laboratories for studying brain wave activities, eye tracking, and taste perception.

Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology Requirements

Bachelor of Science in psychology students must complete two minors and should try to choose a minor that will further their career goals. Students may choose a specialty minor offered by the department, however, at least one minor must be from outside the department. The specific interests and career goals of each student determine the remainder of the program. For students transferring to MTSU, a minimum of 9 psychology upper-division hours from the set of 'Required Core Classes' and a minimum of 6 other psychology hours must be taken at MTSU.


News Briefs

Hannah Ferreira becomes MTSU’s 2nd Gilman-McCain Scholarship recipient

Middle Tennessee State University sophomore Hannah Ferreira has been named a recipient of the U.S. Department of State’s John S. McCain International Scholarship for Military Families.[ Read More ]

MTSU biology researcher co-authors published study on reducing evolution education conflicts

Following two major professional awards, Middle Tennessee State University biology researcher M. Elizabeth Barnes has collaborated on another recently published project on teaching evolution in the classroom.[ Read More ]

News Briefs

Hannah Ferreira becomes MTSU’s 2nd Gilman-McCain Scholarship recipient

Middle Tennessee State University sophomore Hannah Ferreira has been named a recipient of the U.S. Department of State’s John S. McCain International Scholarship for Military Families.[ Read More ]

MTSU biology researcher co-authors published study on reducing evolution education conflicts

Following two major professional awards, Middle Tennessee State University biology researcher M. Elizabeth Barnes has collaborated on another recently published project on teaching evolution in the classroom.[ Read More ]

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Psychology, B.S.

The skills a student possesses at graduation are critical to a successful career, and an undergraduate degree in Psychology can strengthen skills in human relations, communication, research, and creativity. That foundation can lead to a plethora of diverse and satisfying careers, including entry-level positions as:

  • Advertising Agent 
  • Admissions Coordinator 
  • Associate Behavior Health Specialist 
  • Care Coordinator 
  • Case Manager or Worker 
  • Child Protection Worker 
  • College Admissions Counselor 
  • Correction Officer 
  • Health Care 
  • Hospital Patient Services Representative 
  • Human Services Specialist 
  • Human Services Worker 
  • Marketing Researcher 
  • Program Coordinator 
  • Project Manager 
  • Public Information Manager 
  • Public Relations Professional 
  • Research Assistant or Coordinator 
  • Residential Care 
  • Resident Counselor 
  • Sales Representative 
  • Volunteer Services Director 

Employers of MTSU alumni include

  • AdvanceMed Corporation
  • Clinical Research Associates
  • Discovery Communications
  • Elk Valley Home Health
  • Healthways
  • Holland Psychological Services
  • International Antiviral Society-USA
  • Mental Health Cooperative
  • Metro Nashville Public Schools
  • Metropolitan Transit Authority of Davidson County (Tenn.)
  • Premier Systems Integrators Inc.
  • SpecialtyCare Inc.
  • Square D Company
  • Tennessee Supreme Court
MTSU Career Development Center

MTSU’s Career Development Center

MTSU offers a comprehensive Career Development Center that serves students throughout the full student experience and beyond. They collaborate with faculty and staff to equip students with the tools to be marketable to the world of work and continuing education.  

Students can schedule an appointment or check online resources and job boards at

Students can find current internship opportunities by talking to faculty and visiting the University job and internship board called Handshake

Wondering what you can do with your major? Check out our What Can I Do with A Major In guides. 






For students intrigued by the workings of the mind, MTSU offers three programs leading to a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree. Psychology is the most popular major for students with a variety of career goals and interests. The second program is Industrial-Organizational Psychology. The department also offers an online psychology degree in conjunction with the University College.

For complete curriculum details, click on the REQUIREMENTS tab.

Degree in Psychology (B.S.)

The Psychology major is a great choice for students who are intrigued by the workings of the mind and want to understand human behavior and mental processes. This is our most popular major and is suitable for students who have a variety of career goals and interests.

Leading to a Bachelor of Science degree, the undergraduate major in psychology is a 38-hour program, consisting of 24 hours of required coursework and 12 hours of electives.  A minimum grade of C- is required for all core required coursework. Electives in psychology and additional courses in the arts, sciences, humanities, and pre-professional curricula should be chosen to correspond with interests and career goals.

Two 15-hour minors are required for this major. Students may choose a specialty minor in psychology as one of their two minors. At least one of the two minors, however, must be from a non-psychology field. Undergraduates can earn a minor in one of five psychology fields: Psychology, Lifespan Development, Mental Health Services, Industrial-Organizational, and Neuroscience. The department participates in an interdisciplinary minor in Behavioral Research.

The department also offers Master of Arts (M.A.) degrees in five graduate programs: Applied Research and Methodology, Clinical Psychology, Industrial-Organizational Psychology, Quantitative Psychology, and a Pre-Specialist in Education: School Psychology. An Education Specialist (Ed.S) degree is offered in School Psychology.


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