Sociology, B.S./B.A.


Sociology focuses on the structure of social groups, organizations, and societies - and how people interact within these structures.

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Sociology, B.S./B.A.

Sociology is the study of social life, social change, and the social causes and consequences of human behavior. It is an expanding field that addresses challenging issues such as family dynamics, inequality, patterns of behavior, and forces for social change and resistance. Sociologists' research can be applied to virtually any aspect of social life, from crime to corporate downsizing.

Students may pursue a B.A. or a B.S. in Sociology. The B.A. requires a foreign language and an additional minor. The B.S. can be taken with a general focus (2 minors required) or it can be taken with one of three concentrations (1 minor required): Criminology, Social Justice, or Work and Family Studies.


News Briefs

New Social Justice Program

New Social Justice Program

Do you encounter or witness injustice in our institutions, laws, practices, and/or social relationships and aim to end this destructive force? Are you eager to reduce educational, employment, and health disparities? Then enroll in our new B.S. in Sociology with a Social Justice Concentration or add the Social Justice minor. The minor will complement any undergraduate major and support a career and/or civic commitment to activism and advocacy. Join us as we prepare the problem-solvers of tomorrow.

Interviewing retired Americans abroad

Interviewing retired Americans abroad

Masters student Sherri Marquez conducted interviews in Chapala, Jalisco, Mexico during June and July 2019. These interviews were for her qualitative exploratory study, "Aging in Place: An Exploratory Study of Older U.S. Citizens Who have Retired in Mexico", which examined how retirees from United States cope and/or adjust to their new and foreign environment.

News Briefs

New Social Justice Program

Do you encounter or witness injustice in our institutions, laws, practices, and/or social relationships and aim to end this destructive force? Are you eager to reduce educational, employment, and health disparities? Then enroll in our new B.S. in Sociology with a Social Justice Concentration or add the Social Justice minor. The minor will complement any undergraduate major and support a career and/or civic commitment to activism and advocacy. Join us as we prepare the problem-solvers of tomorrow.

Interviewing retired Americans abroad

Masters student Sherri Marquez conducted interviews in Chapala, Jalisco, Mexico during June and July 2019. These interviews were for her qualitative exploratory study, "Aging in Place: An Exploratory Study of Older U.S. Citizens Who have Retired in Mexico", which examined how retirees from United States cope and/or adjust to their new and foreign environment.

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MTSU is Among America's Best


Sociology, B.S./B.A.

Graduates can work in aging/youth services, health services, community work, criminology/corrections, government services, and teaching.

Occupational fields also include social research, teaching, personnel, industrial relations, journalism, applied sociology or anthropology, religion, gerontology, foreign service, and social and cultural research.

Expertise in a specific subject may be crucial to an employer, such as aging, adolescence, demography, community organization, crime and law, health care, marriage and family, sexuality, poverty, religion, work and occupations, and race and ethnic relations.

Employers of MTSU alumni include

  • Government/international agencies
  • Social service agencies
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Businesses/consulting firms
  • Universities and colleges

Click here for more helpful career information

MTSU Career Development Center

MTSU’s Career Development Center

MTSU offers a comprehensive Career Development Center that serves students throughout the full student experience and beyond. They collaborate with faculty and staff to equip students with the tools to be marketable to the world of work and continuing education.  

Students can schedule an appointment or check online resources and job boards at

Students can find current internship opportunities by talking to faculty and visiting the University job and internship board called Handshake

Wondering what you can do with your major? Check out our What Can I Do with A Major In guides. 





Sociology Defined

Sociology is the study of social life, social change, and the social causes and consequences of human action. Sociologists investigate the structure of groups, organizations, and societies, and how people interact within these contexts. The field also offers a range of research techniques that can be applied to virtually any aspect of social life: street crime and delinquency; corporate downsizing; ways people express emotions; welfare or education reform; ways families differ and flourish; or problems of peace and war. Because sociology addresses the most challenging issues of our time, it is an expanding field whose potential is increasingly tapped by those who craft policies and create programs. Sociologists understand inequality, patterns of behavior, forces for social change and resistance, and how social systems work.

How to Major in Sociology

Students considering a major in Sociology are encouraged to complete either SOC 1010 Introduction Sociology or SOC 2010 Social Problems (or their honors equivalent) to acquaint themselves with the discipline and confirm their interest in sociology as a major. Those deciding to pursue the major should contact the Department of Sociology and Anthropology in TODD 342 (898-2508) or their college advisor to declare sociology as their major and be assigned an faculty advisor. With the advisor, the student will develop a program of study that meets the requirements. It is strongly recommended that students complete MATH 1530 (Applied Statistics) to meet the general education math requirement.

Get Involved and Stay Connected

Students are invited to join MT Student Sociologist

For more information on majoring in Sociology, contact the Sociology Undergraduate Program Director, Dr. Angie Mertig. Office: TODD 328. Phone: (615) 904-8349. Email: You can also find more information on our department page under Student Resources.

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