Art, Visual Arts Concentration, B.S./B.A.


Choose Art History or Visual Arts with ceramics, painting, design, and more for a career in museums, galleries, or grad school.

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Art, Visual Arts Concentration, B.S./B.A.

More than one path is open to those who want to earn a Visual Arts degree and pursue careers in museums, galleries, or arts organizations and/or pursue further study at the graduate level.

Students choose between concentrations in Art History and Visual Arts. The Visual Arts degree student takes a wide variety of visual arts courses, including ceramics, painting, printmaking, sculpture, graphic design, and book arts. Faculty members foster critical and creative thinking, leading to clear communication and problem-solving. Students may pursue careers as visual artists or may consider a variety of occupations, including art therapy, arts administration, exhibition design, or art criticism.


News Briefs

Middle Tennessee State University student researcher presents her research project on the effects of antibiotic and oxytocin interactions to an attendee at the seventh annual Undergraduate Research Center Fall Research and Creative Activity Open House held Thursday, Nov. 7, in the Miller Education Center on campus in Murfreesboro, Tenn. (MTSU photo by Andy Heidt)

MTSU’s Undergraduate Research Center open house highlights ‘diverse academic disciplines’

Middle Tennessee State University student researchers lined the third floor of the Miller Education Center, recently presenting their projects to the campus community at the seventh annual Undergraduate Research Center Fall Research and Creative Activity Open House.[ Read More ]

Visual art participants in the 2022 Tennessee Governor’s School for the Arts at Middle Tennessee State University stand with their collective painting, created with charcoal, inside the Todd Art Gallery Tuesday, June 21, before presenting it at this weekend's grand finale. More than 290 high school juniors and seniors are winding up their three-week arts residency in vocal and instrumental music, visual art, theater, dance and filmmaking at the annual event, held at MTSU since 1985. (MTSU photo by Favour Boluwade)

Governor’s School filmmaking, visual arts students share insights on presentations for 2022 grand finale

All hands have been on deck to prepare participants of the Governor’s School for the Arts for the final days of the arts camp hosted by Middle Tennessee State University and its College of Liberal Arts, including high schoolers Vivienne Hunter, Ava Jensen and Connor Brinker from cities across Tennessee. Hunter, a 16-year-old junior from [ Read More ]

News Briefs

Middle Tennessee State University student researcher presents her research project on the effects of antibiotic and oxytocin interactions to an attendee at the seventh annual Undergraduate Research Center Fall Research and Creative Activity Open House held Thursday, Nov. 7, in the Miller Education Center on campus in Murfreesboro, Tenn. (MTSU photo by Andy Heidt)

MTSU’s Undergraduate Research Center open house highlights ‘diverse academic disciplines’

Middle Tennessee State University student researchers lined the third floor of the Miller Education Center, recently presenting their projects to the campus community at the seventh annual Undergraduate Research Center Fall Research and Creative Activity Open House.[ Read More ]

Visual art participants in the 2022 Tennessee Governor’s School for the Arts at Middle Tennessee State University stand with their collective painting, created with charcoal, inside the Todd Art Gallery Tuesday, June 21, before presenting it at this weekend's grand finale. More than 290 high school juniors and seniors are winding up their three-week arts residency in vocal and instrumental music, visual art, theater, dance and filmmaking at the annual event, held at MTSU since 1985. (MTSU photo by Favour Boluwade)

Governor’s School filmmaking, visual arts students share insights on presentations for 2022 grand finale

All hands have been on deck to prepare participants of the Governor’s School for the Arts for the final days of the arts camp hosted by Middle Tennessee State University and its College of Liberal Arts, including high schoolers Vivienne Hunter, Ava Jensen and Connor Brinker from cities across Tennessee. Hunter, a 16-year-old junior from [ Read More ]

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Art, Visual Arts Concentration, B.S./B.A.

Students studying Visual Arts may pursue careers as visual artists or may consider a variety of occupations, including art therapy, arts administration, exhibition design, or art criticism. Examples of fields include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Advertising
  • Animation
  • Appraisal
  • Architecture
  • Art teacher
  • Art therapy
  • Artist
  • Art conservation/preservation / restoration
  • Art criticism
  • Art dealing
  • Arts management
  • Arts administration
  • Auctioneering /collecting
  • Curation
  • Exhibit design
  • Fashion illustration
  • Filmmaking
  • Game designing
  • Historical research
  • Librarianship

Employers of MTSU alumni:

Art graduates find professional opportunities at a variety of entities; some individuals choose to continue their studies in graduate school. Examples of both are listed below:

  • Academy Street Studio
  • Aradani Studios
  • CapTeeVation
  • Contemporary Painters
  • Cumberland Gallery
  • For Art’s Sake Studios
  • Frist Center for the Visual Arts
  • Grand Adventure Comics
  • Moxie Art Supply
  • Rosewalker Design

Graduate schools

  • Pratt Institute.
  • Savannah College of Art and Design
  • California College of the Arts
  • Memphis College of Art
  • University of Connecticut
  • University of Iowa
MTSU Career Development Center

MTSU’s Career Development Center

MTSU offers a comprehensive Career Development Center that serves students throughout the full student experience and beyond. They collaborate with faculty and staff to equip students with the tools to be marketable to the world of work and continuing education.  

Students can schedule an appointment or check online resources and job boards at

Students can find current internship opportunities by talking to faculty and visiting the University job and internship board called Handshake

Wondering what you can do with your major? Check out our What Can I Do with A Major In guides. 





Public Accountability Notice

MTSU is an accredited institutional member of NASAD, National Association of Schools of Art and Design.

To see data about the program, please visit this webpage:

83% of MTSU students receive financial aid


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