Tennessee Educators of Color Alliance

TECA is committed to amplifying the voices and expanding the options for leadershi pfor educators of color in Tennessee. 

TECA Statement of Belief

We believe that in order to ensure strong accountability systems that promote equitable outcomes and excellence in education, more educators of color need a shared, elevated voice and stronger presence. Accomplishing this requires engaging and convening educators of color with opportunities to fellowship, developing layers of mentorship bewteen preservice educators of color and inservice educators of color, and exposing educators of color to various leadership oppportunities.

Visit the TECA Website!


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Request Cultural Humility Lab

Tennessee Teach Back Initiative


Upcoming Events:

MCS Educator Panel Tuesday, April 23rd!

Spring into Education! 

Student Newsletter: Check out what's happening in the COE!

Live in the Difference Makers Living Learning Community in Lyon-Mary Hall! Fill out the interest FORM!

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