Training & Professional Development Events

NACADA Webinar Series

NACADA Webinar- Academic Advising and Trans Equity: Building Our Tomorrow

S326, Business & Aerospace Building (BAS)

Join us for the NACADA Web Events scheduled this semester. Each webinar will air from 1pm - 2pm followed by a 30 minute group discussion. For details regarding each webinar please visit the NACADA webpage. Earn 1 AMP point for participation in each webinar/discussion.

More Details

The profile of trans students in the United States has been steadily increasing in recent years. New scholarship is being published that offers deeper looks at the experiences of these students and work that aims to theorize about trans identity and higher education. In addition, highly public legal battles are being waged regarding the rights of trans students, particularly regarding the protections of Title IX and concerns of equal access to education from primary school through higher education.

As advisors and administrators encounter these students more frequently, there is a dire need for resources that move beyond “Trans 101”, which often focuses primarily on terminology and language use. Practitioners need information and direction on how to progress individually in their competence working with trans students, as well as guidance on how to influence their offices and campuses to become more equitable for trans students.

This webinar will focus on encouraging practitioners to identify opportunities for trans advocacy work on their campuses. The presenters aim to move beyond a “Trans 101” perspective by focusing less on vocabulary and issues of awareness and directing the bulk of their effort toward identifying changes in behavior (individual) and culture (organizational) that could have the effect of increasing trans equity on campus.

This webinar embeds trans concerns in frameworks of social justice advocacy and multicultural organizational change theory with the aim of presenting social justice as a process to engage in, rather than simply an end point or goal.

Registration closed